wookie_x (962)
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Registered 2007-08-10 15:20:24

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Recent Comments from wookie_x

  • Comment on >get this text >ignore it >go to bed (2011-06-12 18:53:00)
    vainglorious, narcissistic, attention seeking, pathologically self-aggrandizing = casemeth srsly tho
  • Comment on >get this text >ignore it >go to bed (2011-06-12 02:24:06)
    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Zyzz "A Zyzz type ethnic douchebag is often pathologically self-aggrandizing, and will alienate others with their attention seeking & wild claims. To others, the majority of their 'boasts' come across as vainglorious, and grounded in narcissistic fantasy." Yup! That's Casemeth!!!
  • Comment on >get this text >ignore it >go to bed (2011-06-12 02:09:30)
    "WRONG! Show me a smartphone that you can get on prepaid. Verizon impulse does not allow smartphones on prepaid. Do your research. I have done mine." Beta twat is pathetic.... http://www.tracfone.com/phone_details.jsp?lang=en&model=UCMTST_009188
  • Comment on Idiot Queen (2011-06-08 18:51:00)
    The first safeguard against an idiot like Palin getting into office is the ability of the voter to recognize that she's an idiot and not vote for her. Think about it.
  • Comment on Emma showing some skin (2011-06-01 19:41:56)
    It's that retarded bullshit logic that'll convince you it's OK to fuck a 14 year old, get you arrested for statutory rape, and land you on the sex offenders registry. IF, that is, her daddy doesn't shoot you or worse (something to be hoped for). Oh, and that last argument is called "Reductio ad absurdum". Kiddo, you really don't have to stretch things to the limit to make a point. People will disagree with you your whole goddamned life. Grow a set of balls and GET OVER IT.
  • Comment on Emma showing some skin (2011-06-01 15:58:30)
    Casemeth, you are SUCH A FUCKTARD!! First, you can't be "inb4" if you're the goddamned poster. Second, she's 21, thus, no pedo! Third, yeah, she's hot. Don't assume that just because someone disagrees with you on the hotness of a FUCKING 12 YEAR OLD that the person must have a fixation for women with more chins than a chinese phone book. Fourth, and finally, grow the fuck up!
  • Comment on too lazy to carry (2011-05-25 09:47:25)
    So THAT'S what casemeths mother looks like!
  • Comment on petite girl on beach (2011-05-23 23:25:05)
    She looks like she's 14 years old! I look forward to seeing Casemeth on the sex offenders registry!!!
  • Comment on Don't Use Drugs (2011-05-17 19:45:27)
    Funny. I've eaten a lot of 'shrooms and I've never had to puke from them. Tripped like a MOTHER-F*cker, but never puked.
  • Comment on spider-man and ninja spider-man vs venom raptors (2011-05-15 01:09:31)
    Come on, guys. This is Tiki we're talking about. The motherfucker posts Deadpool shit all the time. You've been trolled. Fucking noobs.
  • Comment on christ vs atheism (2011-05-15 01:06:04)
    Dude looks more like a hipster than any of the atheists I know. Did you know hipsters have a god? Yeah, it's pretty obscure. You've probably never heard of it.
  • Comment on londonandrews (2011-05-08 10:46:26)
    And you are what we call GAY.
  • Comment on when faced with two choices, simply toss a coin (2011-05-06 05:43:12)
    Indeed. But my lucky coin is double headed so I don't really get to use that much.
  • Comment on olivia wilde (2011-04-27 00:05:49)
    There aren't words to describe what I'd do to that woman. She'd cry, she'd scream, she'd hate me....and the next night she'd come back for more.
  • Comment on cthulhu chair 3 (2011-04-16 17:43:51)
    You know, it keeps getting posted as Cthulhu chair. That's not Cthulhu. OK, it IS a big black octopus, but that's not what Cthulhu is. Creepy black tentacles =/= Cthulhu.
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