The King of Nothing (47939)
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Registered 2010-09-04 21:07:40

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Recent Comments from The King of Nothing

  • Comment on SHOOTER (2020-09-26 20:36:52)
    Not only is he wearing crocs, but he's wearing crocs with socks like a god damned terrorist...fitting.
  • Comment on Mitch McConnell rams through six Trump judges in 30 hours after blocking coronavirus aid for months (2020-09-18 21:02:25)
    It's an election year, so no new judges can even be considered according to Republicans. It won't stop them from absolutely pushing it as hard as they possibly can like their dicks depend on it and call Democrats unpatriotic and divisive for not wanting to accept whatever woman abusing, minority hating, and clearly unqualified to be on the Supreme Court person in there, but I felt like pointing it out anyway.
  • Comment on paint our beard (2020-09-14 08:51:35)
    Nope. Looks dumb on women and even dumber here.
  • Comment on CHUCK NORRIS (2020-08-22 02:38:46)
    He doesn't need to. He just glares at the screen and everything unlocks.
  • Comment on two presidents (2020-08-21 12:37:19)
    So is firing teargas and bashing peaceful protestors for a photo op and murdering innocent people, but lets prioritize people standing in a street with no traffic. They are peacefully protesting. The march in Selma by MLK was also in a road, but I'd be shocked if you tried to make that a bad thing.
  • Comment on two presidents (2020-08-21 11:21:43)
    What is being shown is a human being peacefully and safely marching with people demanding they not be killed at an alarming rate by the people supposed to protect them and the other thing is walking across the street that was violently cleared of peaceful protesters fighting for people's lives for a photo op.
  • Comment on CHUCK NORRIS (2020-08-18 09:34:18)
    This makes him sound like an "influencer."
  • Comment on STAR WARS (2020-08-17 01:23:38)
    There's a Battlestar Galactica character in this Firefly poster.
  • Comment on watering daddy (2020-08-15 22:00:35)
    Search that on some websites and you'll get WAY different results.
  • Comment on Trump says Biden will ‘hurt the Bible hurt God’ (2020-08-09 21:01:10)
    Oh no, he's against a fictional character and yet another candidate saying their opponent wants to take your guns. Oh, the humanity! Think of the children!
  • Comment on What Has Joe Biden Been Waiting For (2020-08-07 20:19:21)
    Glad you missed that joke. It makes it more funny!
  • Comment on What Has Joe Biden Been Waiting For (2020-08-07 18:36:41)
    I wouldn't say he's the worst white supremacist. Plenty of others have literally hung people and shot people. White supremacy isn't just against black people either.
  • Comment on What Has Joe Biden Been Waiting For (2020-08-07 10:22:10)
    I'm guessing he did support bills to help remove some of the institutional racism as a Senator and Vice President, but this meme is an absolute joke when you realize there is a white supremacist currently in office vowing to make life harder for minorities. Drumpf supporters criticizing anyone else for lying is the definition of the phrase "pot calling the kettle black."
  • Comment on four gun (2020-07-14 07:21:51)
    One is pointed at the door, one at the ground, and 2 held by feet that are completely useless. Four guns, but 1.5 guns in use at best.
  • Comment on muscles and guns (2020-07-13 16:41:05)
    and arm veins, GOOD LORD!
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