The King of Nothing (47939)
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Registered 2010-09-04 21:07:40

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Recent Comments from The King of Nothing

  • Comment on Knights of the Zodiac (2023-05-27 10:06:00)
    How dare you not mention the legendary Sean Bean!
  • Comment on The arsenal of weapons found in the "death car" of Bonnie & Clyde, May 23, 1934. (2023-05-27 10:04:34)
    Now days that's your average gun owner.
  • Comment on Car (2023-05-07 20:35:00)
    She's got some nice headlights, but that tis no car.
  • Comment on Katy Perry (2022-10-20 08:46:10)
    Why she tryin to look like Kim Kardashian? It's such a downgrade.
  • Comment on Fucking florida. (2022-10-01 01:44:49)
    Yet people wonder why the world thinks America is a shooting range.
  • Comment on american english french toast made in china (2022-09-24 04:51:31)
    Also containing the words and picture of a pizza.
  • Comment on Marvelous… (2022-08-03 20:10:03)
    I guess you are technically correct in what you said, but it doesn't change that "Kamal" mean Marvel, not "Kamala."
  • Comment on "But we were unable to find any fraud" (2022-08-03 20:07:37)
    Not EVERY election...only the ones they are close to losing or already lost.
  • Comment on Marvelous… (2022-08-02 20:36:14)
    FFS, it would be Kamal Studios. IT'S LITERALLY IN THE SUBTITLE ABOVE!
  • Comment on Needs more guns. (2022-07-30 22:56:00)
    I like to think that it's not 2 signs for the same McDonald's, but 2 separate McDonald's that close and everyone that lives around there knows which one is the good one.
  • Comment on America – Solving the real problems! (2022-07-14 07:45:26)
    We can also sleep easy because they won't be taught CRT while they are forced to carry their rapists baby.
  • Comment on Tucker Carlson Widely Mocked After Criticizing ‘Less Sexy’ M&Ms (2022-01-23 17:02:56)
    The Small Dick Energy is strong with this one.
  • Comment on Guns Don't Kill People (2021-10-09 06:02:47)
    Yes, there are a couple of people calling for bans on all guns, but nobody takes them seriously or really listens to them. It's like people that call for people fully automatic weapons being legal for all. The overwhelming call is for adding some restrictions so not every jackass can pick up a gun without some kind of effort going into obtaining. Requiring training and obtaining a license by proving you understand how to handle it and having to periodically renew it (like a car), a national registry of any firearm (like a car), and even just being allowed to research firearm safety without the NRA claiming you're violating rights all seem pretty reasonable to me and I own a gun. Really want to know why you want to put a toddler in prison and where that idiotic rhetoric came from. "I'lL aRgUe My PoInT wItH sOmEtHiNg RaNdOm AnD sTuPiD!"
  • Comment on Guns Don't Kill People (2021-10-08 02:24:29)
    None of those things are a ban on guns, but features. Kinda proving the meme's point there. Those are all things to try and make them less deadly when, not if, some asshat decides to shoot up a group of people because guns are worshipped here. Smaller magazines means more reload time and less ammo since you can only hold so many of them. Shorter barrels means less accurate over longer ranges making it harder to shoot from longer ranges and a similar reason behind a pistol stock...which just get a rifle then. Gun rosters help keep track of the murder tools so when one is used to do what it is made for, they can track which dipshit either did it or didn't properly secure their murder weapon. Quit bitching that your privilege to a tool designed to kill might be lessened to try and save lives, including children at the inexcusably large number of school shootings.
  • Comment on It’s Good Thing Joe Can’t Read… (2021-09-17 21:00:46)
    I guess Joe understands that he was elected to serve all Americans, not just those that worship the ground he walks on, and won't shove someone aside simply because they support a former opponent that lost.
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