th3rmite (11189)
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Registered 2009-04-11 04:39:55

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Recent Comments from th3rmite

  • Comment on Tea Party Jesus (2012-02-05 22:53:15)
    I think I remember Jesus helping the poor, not making and demanding that other people do it. Jesus never forcibly made another human being do anything. Why do so many people seem to think that if you don't believe government should be allowed to make somebody take care of somebody else that means you are some hypocritical christian? I don't want to give money to the government to give out to people. I give money to my church who then takes care of the needy and poor. If you want to help the poor, give them some of your own money. Go on, nobody is stopping you.
  • Comment on protect hey rich (2011-11-23 19:59:23)
    MY favorite part of the bible is where Jesus demands that Caesar use the force of his empire to take money from one person and give it to another.
  • Comment on The 1% (2011-10-21 10:49:13)
    You my friend are either a liar or the only officer I ever met that lives in the barracks. To make the pay you are claiming you would have to be an O1 with less than 3 years in. You need to quit whining about your pay because after 6 years in the Army an officer will make about 77000 a year, which is more than an enlisted man who has spent his whole adult life in the Army and managed to make the highest enlisted rank possible, E9. My friend, if you stay until retirement, you'll be making between $60,000 - $90,000 a year for the rest of your life starting in your mid forties, doing nothing. Buddy, if you are an officer in the US military, you have no right or leg to stand on if you try to make yourself out to be a common working man, or some sort of middle class guy just like the rest of us. If you lived into your 80's, your retirement plan alone will cost the tax payers almost $2.5 million. Don't pretend your something your not.
  • Comment on Brutality (2011-06-12 13:00:27)
    This is the coolest picture EVER. It sums up American culture in so many ways.
  • Comment on WShich one is illegal ? (2011-06-12 12:41:59)
    I understand comparing alcohol to marijuana and declaring marijuana safer, but what I don't understand is the comparison to cigarettes. So the negative side effects of smoking has nothing at all to do with putting hot smoke into your lungs? It has nothing to do with the carcinogens found in the soot that coat your throat and mouth? Nothing to do with inhaling burnt fertilizer products used in the growing process? I'm sorry, but you can't convince me that smoking MJ is safer than smoking cigarettes.
  • Comment on How complicated is it? (2011-02-24 08:34:58)
    I just might quit my job and go into professional home invasions if guns were made illegal. Come on people, if guns were made illegal only the law abiding citizens would comply with the law. Do you really think all of the criminals would turn in their guns? You would then have a huge pool of citizens unable to defend themselves and a criminal populations who would have no risk of facing the ultimate penalty if they were to break into your house.
  • Comment on Morality vs Religion (2011-02-08 12:23:10)
    I think everyone took me the wrong way. I'm not in support of religion. I openly admit that without a religion, the only basis for my morality is me. I was only going through the logical reasoning that explains my statement: "So therefore, the only rules are to do whatever you can get away with." So I am with all of you guys. Except that I encourage all of the people who believe in their religion, so long as their beliefs give them an inherent disadvantage over me in attaining what ever it is that I want.
  • Comment on Morality vs Religion (2011-02-07 17:07:21)
    This makes no sense what so ever. How can you have a common morality without somebody telling you what it is. My idea of "right" is not the same as yours. Without some sort of religious ideals to base it upon, there is no common morality. Therefore if morality is doing the right thing, and the right thing does not have a definition, then there is no morality. I'm sorry, but if you are an atheist, then just be intellectually honest with yourself and quit trying to take some sort of high horse like being atheist is somehow more "moral". If there is no God, then there are no rules. There are no repercussions outside of this life. So therefore the only rules you have to follow are the ones that enable you to have the most freedom to do whatever you want. So therefore, the only rules are to do whatever you can get away with.
  • Comment on If we diet, the terrorists win (2010-10-16 00:00:38)
    I currently am an NCO in the Army and these dudes piss me off pretty bad too. I hate to stereotype, but damn if most of them are National Guard or Reservists. I think the problem comes from the Commanders being friends with them back home and not wanting to kick them out, because Snuffy's wife makes good apple pie and CPT so and so's mama would kick his ass if he kicked poor little bubba out of the Army. I swear to god, once when I was a Private, some 12 years ago, there were some National Guard that came to Korea for their 2 week drill and one of them had to show up at PT Formation every day in civilian clothes, because the Army did not make a PT uniform that could fit her.
  • Comment on sexy mohawk clown with cat (2010-09-30 08:16:58)
    She is NOT sexy, but definitely a clown.
  • Comment on America's Energy Sacrifices (2010-07-14 08:00:21)
    Democracy is nothing more than mob rule. It is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. Democracy will only last until the masses realize they can vote themselves money from the treasury. ::drum roll:: I'll be here all night, really :)
  • Comment on how you holding up (2010-07-09 10:35:48)
    So true
  • Comment on right wing bumper stickers (2010-07-09 06:13:48)
    Yeah but your book is about what happened in the past. Islam is happening NOW. Past wrongs do not make current wrongs ok.
  • Comment on Mario 3 - Not in the game! (2010-05-05 11:20:34)
    When you beat the game, during the credits it shows Mario going all over mushroom land, and that is one of the scenes. You have to have beaten the game and sat through the credits to see it.
  • Comment on Jihad Firecracker (2010-03-20 20:25:43)
    What's racist? This is what every suicide bomber I have ever seen look like.
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