TunaTank (1940)
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Registered 2007-12-28 20:33:38

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Recent Comments from TunaTank

  • Comment on three pregnant women (2010-09-15 18:28:15)
    According to the March of Dimes (MOD, November 1998), "More than 10,000 children around the world were born with major malformations, many missing arms and legs, because their mothers had taken the drug during early pregnancy. I copied that
  • Comment on Over is right (2010-08-19 14:57:43)
    You're all wrong. Its a repost of multiple images into one image. http://www.myconfinedspace.com/2009/03/28/the-great-toilet-paper-debate-final-argument/
  • Comment on Republic's banana (2010-08-13 19:08:35)
    Read the comments - Looks like it was there, they shopped it out
  • Comment on Logic, courtesy of 4chan. (2010-08-05 12:30:22)
    My mother did have cancer. She had two kids four years apart, me and my brother, without insurance. My parents were building their house in Alaska, while my dad was going to school in the winter. She had cervical cancer when she was pregnant with me. She risked her life for my life, against her doctors and my father's wishes. She wound up having her cervix removed, yet on a checkup she had to have her uterus removed six months later.. Low income, building a house in Alaska with 2 kids and 2 surgeries, no health insurance. They did it. They flourished after all of it. Cry me a river.
  • Comment on Logic, courtesy of 4chan. (2010-08-05 12:22:52)
    There's the good in people there. You take that job for your kid. Others, however, sit at home, collect unemployment, because they dont want to work for 9 dollars an hour, because its "below them," or not tutor kids in math for 11 an hour because "they can do better." Just two examples off the top of my head. Most of these people dont really want to work, they want the easy way out. Giving them that isnt fixing anything, its contributing to the problem.
  • Comment on Logic, courtesy of 4chan. (2010-08-05 12:06:14)
    Third party health insurance. When my coworker and best friend got laid off, he took on Aflac, and their medical coverage is cheaper and better than the one he had working for Tyco. So good, when he got hired with Honeywell, he denied Honeywell's health coverage just to stay with Aflac. He has a preexisting condition - a slipped disk from a car accident that incapacitates him without meds. He had a preexisting condition, but Aflac said to keep his old BCBS insurance card, and the policy number would be the same, and everything was OK. Insurance is there to be paid into until you need it, if ever. Start paying into it early, before conditions start, as in my coworker with having insurance before the car accident. Dont get in a car accident, slip a disk, then try to get insurance and complain when you can't. Prepare for things that can happen, dont expect things to be wonderful and skate by and expect the same treatment as those that have been paying into it when something does happen. I've never been to the hospital in my life. Yet for years and years I pay for medical coverage in case something happens. I pay for life insurance, so if I die, someone can see some money out of it. I've paid forth, so when I need it, I get it. Not so when SOMEONE ELSE needs it, THEY get it. Just like I pay for the roads because I use it, not because THEY use it. Road maintenence on the way to my property I pay, not people on the other road. Thats absurd, and the same applies here. Pay for your shit, dont make someone else pay for you.
  • Comment on Logic, courtesy of 4chan. (2010-08-05 11:55:03)
    I know I'm already paying for those people. I dont want to pay more for them. As for your second point. My point was for those who ARE NOT contributing to society, the leeches of this country. There are tons of them around - hell, half of the country doesnt even pay taxes. Roads are paid for by taxes. Why? Because I use the roads, they get paid by taxes. Police, fire, parks, all get used for the good of my community - I live in my community, they protect it, I pay for it in taxes. However, I am not the many people such as my aunt that do not work, yet still gets health care. Before we try to give socialized health care, lets try fixing Medicare, or Medicaid, or even Social Security. All three are bankrupt. Show me that they can fix those programs, and maybe I'll have a little faith that they can run something without fucking it up.
  • Comment on Logic, courtesy of 4chan. (2010-08-05 10:38:35)
    So let me get this straight. You lost both your feet. You're on Medicare. You're on Social Security. You're on retirement. You're getting your college paid for. And you get top notch medical care. Now tell me this. How do you feel about someone recieving money and medical care for not working, for not getting their feet blown off in the line of service? To me, thats wrong. You did an amazing service, paid a huge price for it, meanwhile they dont have to do anything. Therein lies my problem with this socialized health care. It will be abused.
  • Comment on Logic, courtesy of 4chan. (2010-08-05 10:20:33)
    Either way, I'm still going to have money out of my check to pay for people who dont get medical insurance. Even if it pays for itself in a few years, think they'll give me that portion of my paycheck back, or pay me retroactively for supporting people who dont have jobs? Granted, some of them may not be able to get a job. But there's just as many that refuse to get a job, yet demand a right to health care. Give and take. You should get what you give. If you're not contributing to society, why should you be society give you anything?
  • Comment on Logic, courtesy of 4chan. (2010-08-05 10:14:24)
    Hey guys! Something looks good in theory! That must mean it will work perfectly when applied! Yea, sure. That concept works all the time.
  • Comment on Logic, courtesy of 4chan. (2010-08-05 10:09:19)
    Me Fail. Apparently I was up too late. Not Medicare, Welfare and support like that.
  • Comment on Logic, courtesy of 4chan. (2010-08-05 02:29:51)
    Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. I get mad when I'm being forced to pay more for people to get health care when I'm already paying for their Medicare.
  • Comment on beatles burning (2010-07-09 13:00:41)
    I +1'd that and it gave you a -1.
  • Comment on religion drives our war (2010-07-09 00:40:18)
    The world would implode
  • Comment on Immigration problem (2010-07-05 16:35:43)
    Not to sound like a dick... But maybe we just dont want any more immigrants here? We did it for a couple hundred years now, we've got enough people sucking off our crappy assistance programs that really dont need to, and are just using the system to do virtually nothing and get by pretty damn well by using our faulty system. I know of several people that are doing just that, because they know how to abuse the system. If we're making it hard to get in, its cause we dont want you here. There's a god damn fence. A fence is to keep people OUT. If someone next door to you has a fence with a sign that says "Trespassers will be sent away", and you hop the fence, should you be sent away, or be allowed to live at their place and eat their food because you didnt like your life outside their fence? However, sometimes you have to do what you have to do. If it really does suck that bad on that side of the fence, and you have to jump it to live, then you subject yourself to being put right the hell back if you're caught. You cant really whine about that.
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