Have you ever understood someone's "obsession" (or casual interest for that matter) of any particular thing? Dragons? Sports teams? Cats? Superheroes? Vampires? Guns? Psychologically, does it matter what the object is? People like things. Some people like things a lot. What else is there to understand? Why one thing opposed to another thing? Just a matter of taste.
sylvanish (4787)
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Recent Comments from sylvanish
- Comment on fairy art (2012-01-11 03:33:35)
Have you ever understood someone's "obsession" (or casual interest for that matter) of any particular thing? Dragons? Sports teams? Cats? Superheroes? Vampires? Guns? Psychologically, does it matter what the object is? People like things. Some people like things a lot. What else is there to understand? Why one thing opposed to another thing? Just a matter of taste. - Comment on Steal from them (2012-01-11 03:22:42)
What about this? : A movie comes out, it looks dull, some formula comedy, I would never pay $15 to see in the theater, and wouldn't care if I never saw it. It comes out later on disc, I could rent it, for $7 [Now I haven't paid (whoever it is I am apparently stealing from) $8 by not seeing it at the cinema], but I am still not interested enough to even pay that. I can't even remember the last time I actually rented a movie tho. I comes out a bit later on Netflix kind of for free (i don't know how that works as far as people getting paid). But maybe I don't want to go downstairs where the Netflix is hooked up, and I'm too lazy to set up my computer up here with it, so I just download it up here and watch it. Netflix still getting my monthly fee, and I am watching the same movie. Am I still a thief? They never would've gotten money from me in the first place. So what difference if I downloaded it a couple weeks earlier? A good movie always does good in the box office. A good movie, that I want to see, I go and pay $15 to see. When I pay $15 and the movie sucks, I feel I am the one who was stolen from. Both time and money. Piracy doesn't steal from these people, their bank accounts aren't being hacked. They just aren't being given as much. - Comment on Steal from them (2012-01-11 02:48:11)
When have you ever heard of a movie performing poorly in the box office due to piracy? Movies only do poorly in the box office when they suck. The only people I know that lose out from piracy [movies only] are the theater owners, specifically where they aren't franchises. - Comment on chick and her m-14 (2012-01-08 03:50:32)
Eye protection not of much use down there. - Comment on I spilled my m&ms (2012-01-08 03:47:21)
Haha, my brother told me he always had at least one pouch on his vest that was filled with candy, and a big pouch on his ruck filled with more candy. Even on all his tours. - Comment on rainbow mermaid (2011-12-31 05:22:33)
Ponies huh? Yep. Maybe I'll come back next year. - Comment on Druids Gather At Stonehenge for Winter Solstice (2011-12-31 05:19:48)
Do you know this, or are you presuming? If so, that's a shame. Every [nature-religion] gathering I have experienced has always left the place they were at cleaner than when they got there. But what's wrong with a dude in silly headdress? People been doing that since the first shaman stuck a feather in his hair, and pretty much every religion on the planet has funny hats of one kind or another. So what? Also Druidism is not Wicca, and this is likely a gathering of people of many different beliefs. - Comment on Vancouver (2011-12-31 05:11:29)
Shhh - Comment on Vancouver (2011-12-30 18:56:39)
Lol, I made it a point not to be in the city for that game. Saw it coming from game 1. There is a legitimate time to set fire to cop cars and go berserk, and after a hockey game is definitely not it. Shame on you kids. Shame. - Comment on Woman beats off Shark (2010-12-12 23:26:59)
You know what, I don't think I have ever seen a shark penis before. - Comment on Nic Cage Loves Fire 2 (2010-12-12 22:26:57)
This is a man I would not swerve nor slow down to avoid, should he be in front of my car. In fact, if he is within 180 degrees of the front of my car, I might swerve or speed up to see that I got to spend a satisfying few months in jail for manslaughter. (I know a good lawyer, shut up) - Comment on SLEEP - How to hack your brain Part 1 (2010-12-12 22:25:34)
I tried this a while ago, and it worked nicely enough for a few weeks, but then I quickly found I was, well, out of phase with everyone I knew, and it was no good. Then I smoked a jay and it all went to pot. HA! Anyway, the everyman 2 nap has worked just swimmingly for the last half decade and I see no reason to alter now. - Comment on Dr. Edward Atkinson in his Antarctica lab. (2010-12-12 21:28:04)
That is a sexy man. - Comment on BigBang cast and Tyson (2010-12-12 21:27:48)
I tried watching this once. A bunch of people I know said it was "so good" etc, and then a little while ago I happened to be on a long flight where the movies all sucked or I had seen them already, so I put an episode of this on, and... Gods it was just terrible. Just another stupid pedantic sitcom. Forced jokes that are not funny with abrasive canned laughter. After 15 minutes I switched to jazz music, turned off the screen and spent the rest of the flight drinking red wine and loudly discussing desert island scenarios with my sister. - Comment on Scarlett Jo in pink (2010-12-12 21:15:58)
I totally want her to dominate me. I would be hell of quivering submission in her hands.