stalwart (278)
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Registered 2007-04-28 11:37:43

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Recent Comments from stalwart

  • Comment on Fighter Jet Wing Check (2008-07-14 06:39:35)
    He's jumping you guys!! For the love of God.
  • Comment on F**ing Vikings (2008-05-09 08:24:12)
    Paracetomoxyfrusebendroneomycin.... its our brand new wonder drug we'll think you'll find enticing, Paracetomoxyfrusebendroneomycin There's aspirin, adrenaline and also aminopholin Amphetamine, adenosine, augmentin and rafempacine Amoxycilin, Penicillin, and Heparin and Warfarin Estergone, Progesterone and Canastin and Chloroquin
  • Comment on Brain Tumour causes uncontrollable paedophilia (2008-04-22 19:36:57)
    They've done studies, and violent criminals have a much higher likelihood of having higher levels of lead in their body. Which is not surprising since most violent criminals also come from the 'wrong side of the tracks', 'the run down side of town', and in those areas levels of toxic metals and pollution are usually higher.
  • Comment on Snob - It's an elitist thing, you wouldn't understand (2008-04-18 09:22:28)
    They warned us that the negroes would become uppity.
  • Comment on Nazi's and Kittens (2008-04-17 20:42:24)
    * sp* don't believe one bit of it --- correction
  • Comment on Nazi's and Kittens (2008-04-17 20:41:47)
    @goldfinger It's all a load of crap. When will you people wake up and realise that WWII never actually happened. I mean, were you there? All I've seen are movies about it, and they tell me about it in 'school'...I believe one bit of it.
  • Comment on Tupac Shakur (2008-04-15 07:58:22)
    @sorry I used to think the guy was alright. I mean, from one point of view, he was just like so many other disadvantaged black men and he spoke for how they felt, and scared the shit out of whitey. But I also really loved Kurt Cobain because he spoke for angsty self-destruction. Used to. Both Kurt Cobain and Shukur are dead man. And rightfully so, not because they were necessarily bad people, but because what they stood for could never survive, nor poetically did they. That bad ass gansta thing, where would you go with it? Even with millions made from rapping about it, which only a handful out of millions ever get to do, you still wind up killed by it. You can find as much poetry in that as you want, but I can understand the others and what they're saying...the guy did embody violence, even if that violence is an understandable reaction to history; its not the stuff of a very good future.
  • Comment on Atheism By Statistics (2008-04-06 07:47:48)
    Atheism is NOT the belief that there is no God, but the belief that there is no need for a God.
  • Comment on Atheism By Statistics (2008-04-06 07:46:37)
    @ the quietguy > Disbelief in divine cosmic order does not make you anymore intelligent. In fact it’s amazing how much energy is expended trying to rationalize away the incredible synchronous coincidence that displays itself at every turn for those who care to look. Atheists love to claim control over their existence and deny the very concept of predestination, how feeble minded or willfully ignorant do you have to be to not realize that the miraculous paradox of reality is that both freewill and destiny exist simultaneously depending on your level of perception, which is a function of how much information your awareness can process, concerning the dynamics of the fundamental elements comprising the reality you are perceiving. I experience this material universe through my physical senses, which themselves are complex electro-chemical interactions afforded a brief existence by the virtue of their shape interaction with the machinery of my brain. The brain that is merely a physical manifestation of the cosmic possibility of me. An astounding series of random events had to take place before I could type out this Rant of Wisdom, yet here it is. Prove to me beyond all doubt that this experience, this dream of existence that we all are sharing, is not also happening to a Cosmic Awareness, that is for the moment beyond our ability perceive. I can’t prove the existence of The God, but I can’t disprove it either. All I know is what I am personally living through, and I feel the presence of something more. Even if it’s only chemistry it still serves the purpose of experiencing this grand creation. If you give me pills that silence the voice of the universe, show me the folly of religion and convince me that this is all one big nothing. How will that make me a healthier, happier, more intelligent human being? You strike me as a deist...well, that is the first step towards atheism...I wish you well.
  • Comment on What is a rickroll? (2008-04-03 22:19:34)
    Has anyone ever actually sat through that whole video. I know I haven't.
  • Comment on Jesus takes issue with you (2008-04-02 21:56:53)
    What will it take for us to come to a point in society, where we have a critical mass of people, who've gone through the existentialist dilemma, and decided to take full responsibility for their moral decisions; as well as their own happiness and suffering. Fuck salvation, fuck redemption. Sorry, but I was born perfect, have been that way, ever since...sorry.
  • Comment on Gnarly Cloud (2008-03-31 08:43:55)
    It's a cyclone, it's draining counter-clockwise...just like my toilet...which I just Australia.
  • Comment on If We Continue To Buy Imports... (2008-03-31 02:49:02)
    @ Magnus Buttfoorson first, that's a silly name second, I believe this is the picture that spawned the 'moran' internet meme.
  • Comment on Leibowitz Disney pictures (2008-03-28 09:36:14)
    Aryan wonderland!
  • Comment on I Won An Eisner Award! (2008-03-16 07:31:40)
    I...don't get it!
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