SLazaris (1810)
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Registered 2007-12-07 03:36:16

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Recent Comments from SLazaris

  • Comment on lizard mouth (2010-07-15 21:07:36)
    It's not the same without a caption asking me if I think it's a real picture.
  • Comment on olivia wilde is sultry (2009-06-13 18:49:16)
    I want nothing to do with a woman who hates grandmas this much.
  • Comment on Undo Jesus (2007-12-10 00:01:59)
    Unfortunately, sarcasm doesn't tranlate into text. I got that she was striving for that feet but the point is, she was making fun of someone elses beliefs and that's not cool.
  • Comment on Undo Jesus (2007-12-07 20:55:23)
    Susan Nasas, The truth is, things change. Sometimes things are written in a certain way but written a long time ago so, as times change, so do ideas. Human kind is constantly learining and taking in new information and if you refuse to change any of your ideas despite the new information you are presented with, you are truely a fool. Don't get me wrong, if you truely believe all of those things, more power to you. I won't try to stop you from believing anything you believe. The problem is that you are saying that anybody who doesn't believe those things isn't truely a Christian, and that isn't the case. Sometimes even the most sacred things have to change. For instance, the ancient Romans used to make animal sacrificies to their gods. There are still people to this day who believe in those gods and, just because they don't sacrifice animals doesn't mean they don't believe so. Honestly, and I'm just sharing my oppinion with you here, I think that everone should believe what they see fit. Nobody has any right to tell anyone that there beliefs aren't good enough or don't make the cut. Nobody should ever have to adjust such dear, sacred beliefs so that they can reach some imaginary standard and so some girl named Susan thinks they are good enough to be Christian.
  • Comment on If You Can Read This, You're Not The President (2007-12-06 23:46:29)
    Oh wow! A "Bush is illiterate" joke! That's so origional! Oh my god!
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