Seraph (4155)
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Registered 2008-07-16 03:09:07

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Recent Comments from Seraph

  • Comment on Korra and Her Girlfriend (2015-01-07 22:38:54)
    Pretty sure Korra obliterates every conceivable permutation of the Bechdel test. Also, I watched the finale on Nick's official site, and there was no kiss; S&P wouldn't allow it. I personally found the ending to be a refreshingly positive depiction of bisexuality (yes, it exists, they didn't just flipflop) with two undeniably heroic characters. I think the two creators of the show can probably give a far better commentary on their reasons for the finale than I can, so here's their messages on the matter.
  • Comment on WARNING! User accounts are being deleted! (2014-11-06 17:17:05)
    Fairly certain I'm ok, but better safe than sorry.
  • Comment on fighting monster thing (2014-10-22 16:02:03)
    From the Magic card Time of Heroes from the set Rise of the Eldrazi. The thing in the picture is Emrakul, one of the Eldrazi, and HIDEOUSLY powerful. His card is just shy of saying "Win the game."
  • Comment on Washburne Flight Academy - be a leaf on the wind (2014-09-09 15:36:34)
    It means you need to watch Firefly.
  • Comment on rubix bra (2010-06-22 11:49:42)
    Or, y'know, go to the source:
  • Comment on TV University (2010-06-11 20:14:35)
    Err, oops. Read that as "Why no Sagan and no Cousteau?"
  • Comment on TV University (2010-06-11 20:13:54)
    Look again. Sagan is the Astronomy prof.
  • Comment on Abra freak (2010-05-06 17:43:53)
    Jigglypuff > Sing > Pound > Ultraball. Problem solved. Costume: NICE! Kid: One track mind. Pretty creepy if you think about.
  • Comment on Fencing And Savate; France, C. 1920 (2010-01-13 22:29:03)
    3) Newbies, 4) Someone who's being warned for covering target area(or just nearly got their off hand whacked/stabbed).
  • Comment on Fencing And Savate; France, C. 1920 (2010-01-13 18:52:53)
    Another great old fencing photo. Puulaahi, you've got good taste; do you happen to actually fence?
  • Comment on Lambuel and Friends (2009-04-28 23:01:26)
    Gotta be satire. There's thongs and a beer stein in the store. Guy across the hall has had Mr. Gruffs up on his door for some time now, actually.
  • Comment on Moldy Bible (2008-11-17 02:08:08)
    @riverdaledragon: Sure, you can type how you like, but your point (when there was one) might get across if you used halfway decent English. You'd also appear as though you had a modicum of sense.
  • Comment on Moldy Bible (2008-11-17 02:06:51)
    Has he even got a coherent point anymore? I realize it was general hatred for a while, but now? Also, Tiki, what's with the glut of religious ads I'm seeing lately?
  • Comment on Moldy Bible (2008-11-17 01:03:58)
    riverdaledragon: You're absolutely, offensively wrong. Lack of belief in a god doesn't stop a person from being willing to help others, and belief in a god doesn't make them any less capable of selfishness. Furthermore, assuming that lack of belief in a god equates to lack of a moral code or reason to live is simply imbecilic. There are plenty of people without religion who are glad to help others, even willing to risk their own life and safety. Do you honestly think that there aren't atheists in the army because they have patriotism and want to serve their country? Your ignorance, judgmentalism, and bias are disgraceful to your religion, which preaches tolerance. I almost want to hope, for the sake of the few followers of your religion that I HAVE met and that DO exemplify those qualities, that you're just a troll. tl;dr: Wow, that picture is actually pretty disgusting. Glad I'd already eaten.
  • Comment on Pizza Menu (2008-11-17 00:50:40)
    Azodeus is right, it's Japanese. @Tyger42:No, they don't think we eat that. Japan has really, REALLY weird pizza. And expensive, too.
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