sanity (136849)
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Registered 2010-12-22 18:01:03

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Recent Comments from sanity

  • Comment on Vacation & Holiday Laws (2011-03-21 18:49:56)
    I don't care enough about your foolish words to slap you down with intelligent words. If you will honestly defend this then you are simply an idiot.
  • Comment on Snow & Global Warming (2011-03-21 18:34:01)
    That's the other big lie here, sorry to say you have been misled, the harm can be undone. I don't blame you though because a great deal of money has been spent to confuse this issue. What always astonishes me though is either how apathetic or how vitriolic people are on the internet who have NO vested interest You might want to think about that? Come on, it's not that hard.
  • Comment on Snow & Global Warming (2011-03-21 17:48:48)
    You're almost right here, so kudos for that and one day I would like to buy you a drink. What we have here are two camps; one camp is rational people who either trust another rational person with more understanding than themselves to tell them the truth or they are rational scientific people who actually go out and do the research. The other camp is either misinformed people, those paid to misinform people, those paying to misinform people, those with an interest in misinforming people, oil companies, gas companies, car companies, guess who has all the money and all the fools in the world on the paycheck. But hey, it's alright, they wont have to live with the consequences.
  • Comment on Hatred leads to sadness (2011-03-10 19:34:30)
    You just edit other peoples images and take credit for them then?
  • Comment on Hard Candy (2011-03-09 16:59:15)
    This was an awesome film. Maybe not to everyones taste but me and my other half love it.
  • Comment on French flag (2011-03-08 17:48:27)
    The effect that George W Bush had on the world still resonates. Because the French and German governments would not validate his rush to war they are still painted by ignorant people in this light. Sadly these people get history from the televison, not a book.
  • Comment on Open letter to the world (2011-03-03 20:18:01)
    That bandwagon left a few years ago. Do keep trying, it is amusing.
  • Comment on Galway Swans (2011-03-02 13:08:07)
    I visit, it's pretty easy to get around in Ireland, but I actually live in Co. Galway. Sláinte.
  • Comment on My Self-Portrait (2011-03-01 17:07:08)
    No, twosixteen was right, here let me show you. You're wrong which can also be written as you are wrong, hence the use of the apostrophe. Your argument is invalid, the thing which is yours is wrong. And you're still an idiot cash.
  • Comment on My Self-Portrait (2011-03-01 16:17:59)
    That's just lovely, fabulous composition and a pose with poise. Very nice indeed, gold star with kudos award.
  • Comment on Sintel (2011-02-28 19:04:27)
    Tell you what cash, I'll let my last submission in the queue get published and never post another image on the site ever again if you only ever post in your subdomain, forever.
  • Comment on New keyboard vs old keyboard (2011-02-24 08:14:13)
    Please post this to your own MCS subdomain so we do not have to see it.
  • Comment on Subsites (2011-02-23 16:37:34)
    If this means casemods will never appear on the front page and we can treat him like the retarded monster we keep in the basement, I am all for it. If we can go poke him with sharp sticks but keep him locked up I applaud this inovation.
  • Comment on This is a jecking! (2011-02-21 20:04:48)
    Can we get Tiki in on this?
  • Comment on This is a jecking! (2011-02-21 18:28:05)
    This is too low even for you, this goes beyond you being a fool and douche, this goes beyond your trolling and your troll persona. Each and every time you say another word, make another post I will call you on this till you apologise for plagiarism. The fact you actually 'signed' this and renamed the image, personally I would ban hammer you but I'm pretty sure you bring in more users for Tiki.
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