Rascal (2616)
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Registered 2008-03-04 16:31:42

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Recent Comments from Rascal

  • Comment on The Thing (2009-10-21 23:29:41)
    Great movie. Saw another good Carpenter file recently, In the Mouth of Madness. Very Lovecraftian.
  • Comment on Red - wallpaper edition (2009-07-23 23:25:44)
    The top one reminds me of a cyberman from Doctor Who.
  • Comment on McCain's Energy Policy (2008-08-01 13:55:58)
    @tiki god I agree, the US is good about transporting petroleum fuels. It's transported through a rather large system of pipelines, terminals and stations, with one petroleum product pushing another. The unfortunate thing is, ethanol is too corrosive to transport through existing pipelines. It has to be transported with tanker trucks and mixed at fueling stations. This means a good portion of the existing infrastructre (pipelines, ports, etc.) isn't capable of handling ethanol based fuels. As to how much energy companies make, it's actually a mute point when you consider it on the entire scale. Yes, Exxon, Shell, et all, are making fist loads of cash, but combined American Oil companies only control about 7% or proven oil reserves worldwide. The other 93% are controlled by large, nationalized oil companies. Just think how much money the governments of China, Saudia Arabia, & Russia are making from their oil industry. Do you really expect US Oil companies to compete with entire countries if they didn't make a lot of money? By that I mean, it costs $1 million dollars a day, domestically, to drill an oil well. So if you're drilling on a few hundred wells a day those cash reserves go pretty fast. And the reason gas prices are so high has so many different factors it's silly. Here's a few: Different states have different requirements for gasoline. This causes refineries to have to produce different blends and octanes of gasoline. If the US had a standard, gas would be cheaper. Oil is valued in US dollars. To maintain an equivalent value in foreign currency the cost per barrel of oil fluctuates with the dollar. The lower the value of the dollar, the higher the cost of a barrel of oil. Political instability in areas of major production like the Middle East causes increased speculation as to the availablity of oil. Oil is openly traded as a commodity. I realize a lot of this is generalized, but trust me. I work for "Big Oil". I know what I'm talking about.
  • Comment on McCain's Energy Policy (2008-07-31 00:08:54)
    I both agree and disagree with this. While it would take atleast 10 to 15 years for the oil we could potentially drill from our coasts, atleast it would be the United States that would eventually benefit. Unless I'm mistaken, there are countries like Cuba and China who are looking at drilling near our waters and they wouldn't be affected by any moritoriums. Besides, unless there is a MAJOR infrastructure change, the US will be dependant on oil for a good half century if not longer.
  • Comment on alexis bledel - red top and bricks (2008-06-11 07:20:30)
    That's not red...it's Maroon! sheesh!
  • Comment on NSFW - Milky Catwoman (2008-06-08 10:46:26)
    Isn't that Bianca Beauchamp?
  • Comment on Clown Sewer Lurking (2008-04-22 06:00:54)
    IT is like psychic vampire version of Ronald McDonald and Pedobear combined. Hunting kids, feeding off of their terror, then stealing their souls. As a child this movie scared the crap out of me, but I have to admit that Tim Curry makes one hell of a creepy clown.
  • Comment on Colorful Fish (2008-03-25 09:45:07)
    I don't know, I'm leaning more towards Mudkip.
  • Comment on Warhammer 40k - Terminator Armor (2008-03-12 10:49:26)
    To give tiki a little credit, Terminator armor is also known as Tactical Dreadnaught Armor. Its original purpose was to serve as an intermediary between the more durable dreadnaughts and the lighter suits of power armor. An additional bonus is that you don't have to be entombed in terminator armor.
  • Comment on Super Bug (2008-03-04 11:35:35)
    I used to have these things in my old apartment because my landlord would never spray. They scared the crap out of me. I could never figure out what they were, but they sure made one hell of a crunch when you squished them.
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