*Sigh* Now I do feel sorry for Cmonkey. I don't know him, don't care about him and couldn't care less what anyone thinks about him. But I just caught a small amount of what he is getting loads of. In essence: "No, your clarification of your intent does not count because I have already decided your purpose and meaning." Devine, DieA... I dropped out of high school and now work in a call centre, I don't pretend to understand the mentality behind peoples actions or words and to be honest it doesn't really interest me. Bluntly put, I am not very well educated. But please, avoid telling me what I think. That is something that I reserve the right to not know. Who knows? I may have felt sympathy on some level for Cmonkey and decided to defend him but if so it was subconscious and I want it to stay that way. Self awareness would be the ultimate boredom. How can you surprise yourself if you truly know yourself? So please just stop with the "these are your real intentions" statements and maybe accept that I speak without intent to mislead or irritate.
Putridity (5587)
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I am awash with the filth of my lifestyle XD Notification Status: Registered 2008-12-10 01:50:04 Comment Karma: 7 Featured Comments: 0 Member of : |
Recent Comments from Putridity
- Comment on Re-Posted Bible! (2009-05-04 00:36:33)
*Sigh* Now I do feel sorry for Cmonkey. I don't know him, don't care about him and couldn't care less what anyone thinks about him. But I just caught a small amount of what he is getting loads of. In essence: "No, your clarification of your intent does not count because I have already decided your purpose and meaning." Devine, DieA... I dropped out of high school and now work in a call centre, I don't pretend to understand the mentality behind peoples actions or words and to be honest it doesn't really interest me. Bluntly put, I am not very well educated. But please, avoid telling me what I think. That is something that I reserve the right to not know. Who knows? I may have felt sympathy on some level for Cmonkey and decided to defend him but if so it was subconscious and I want it to stay that way. Self awareness would be the ultimate boredom. How can you surprise yourself if you truly know yourself? So please just stop with the "these are your real intentions" statements and maybe accept that I speak without intent to mislead or irritate. - Comment on Re-Posted Bible! (2009-04-30 06:33:33)
@Dr.Devine: Yup. it helps to have a friend that enjoys being much smarter than everyone else so heavily enjoys being able to edit my writings. :D @dieAntagonista: I didn't really care about the situation the argument was about... I was just backing Cmonkey up for funsies. Not to troll or any somesuch, just to add a bit of background chatter on a lighter note to attempt to stop what was spiraling down into a stone throwing match :D I wasn't attacking Devine's statements. I was asking if people's changes in personality due to lack of ramifications make diagnosing someone over the internet difficult. @Dr.Devine: I still didn't get an answer. As far as I have been able to tell, people get overly brave when the possibility of a punch in the face gets removed from the equation. You know for a fact that in person this argument would have been ended with "let's agree to disagree" or some other confrontation avoidance mechanism. So how can you accurately diagnose Cmonkey or anyone for that matter when you in essence, are probably just diagnosing the persona they take up once the ultimate confrontation(violence) is no longer a possibility? Lots of love, Putri. - Comment on Re-Posted Bible! (2009-04-28 00:42:42)
@Dr.Devine: It is actually rather impressive that you are offering free advice to all of the denizens of this page. Or at least a select few. I must ask though, how does punctuation fall into play here? some cases such as mine fall into the bad punctuation for the sheer lack of understanding. I have been informed in the past I am over zealous with comma's. How about the fact that people never show a true representation of thier public selves on the internet because of the safety in anonymity? Do all these things come into play and coult the plausibly throw your (probably the wrong term->) diagnosis of colombian monkey. Hoepfully the above hasn't seemed like an attempt at destroying the foundations of your statements I was just curious. :D - Comment on Re-Posted Bible! (2009-04-27 21:17:05)
@ColombianMonkey: YEAH!!!! @Dr.Devine: You got burned babeh!!!! @ColombianMonkey: *fistbump* I am an excellent krew member. See me represent! :D - Comment on Dry Australian Ranch (2009-04-27 20:04:12)
@GorillaMunch: if you had of caught me about 8 months ago I would have offered. I lived ina 3 room house by myself. But now I have housemates who are neurotic, jobless and completely useless. EG: I did dishes on thursday night, went to bendigo on friday (2 hours away from where I live in melbourne) came back on sunday nioght and there was a huge stack of dishes from the whole weekend.... I wasn't fucking impressed. But to further clarify the point that my house looks like a crackden. look it up on google maps. 20 railway road Briar hill, Vic 3088 australia. Oh no he gave his address out over the internet!!! Who gioves a damn. and who can prove this is my actual address? :P - Comment on Re-Posted Bible! (2009-04-27 19:57:51)
I have decided to jump the fence in this argument because CMonkey needs at least on gangsta such as me standing behind him shouting "Yeah!" after everything he says. So here goes. I have compeltely forgotted what the argument was about and lack the conviction, will and neccessary motivation to re-read the entire agrument so I will summarise what my lengthy, linguistic and self-righteous response would be to: I am right, You are wrong. This is why: You suck! I think I win. Yeah CMonkey! We REIGN! *fistbump offered* :D - Comment on Dry Australian Ranch (2009-04-22 02:21:20)
Sure why not. Only trick is you have to guess where I live. :D - Comment on Dry Australian Ranch (2009-04-21 21:33:54)
@DarkDsurion: I must warn you my house is remeniscent of a crack den. - Comment on Dry Australian Ranch (2009-04-21 19:42:32)
I love this country. You go from tropical heaven to beautiful arid desert. I will advise everyone to come here, if needs be you can stay at my house. It is worth the trip. - Comment on Re-Posted Bible! (2009-04-21 19:35:44)
Damnit! I should have said "Hailed instead of Jailed" Could have rhymed and everything. - Comment on Re-Posted Bible! (2009-04-21 19:31:14)
@joodles: @LukeV1-5: @dieAntagonista: @ColombianMonkey: Would like to thank you all from the sphincter of my heart. I just got back to work after being sick and as ill as I was, it is nothing compared to this shite. But I read my email inbox and read the pointless argument that occurred and immediately felt better. Even my cup of tea is more delicious. Special thanks goto Joodles and Luke for the spunky little comments of logic which were injected every time this got tedious. Cmonkey and DieA... Fight more often and try to be funnier. The funnier you are with your logic and arguments, the more people agree with you. If gallileo (incorrectly spelt) had of made a racist joke whilst saying earth wasn't the centre of the universe, he would have been hailed instead of put in jail.. :D Lots of love, Putridity. - Comment on Hello Mr. Pelican ! (2009-04-20 01:47:22)
Oh yes the bastards bite. I had to punch one inna heade a few years ago to get it to leave me alone. - Comment on Gibson Eye Guitar 2009 (2009-04-12 21:21:46)
I may just have sex with it... - Comment on Protesters at the G20 (2009-04-08 06:23:05)
@dieAntagonista: I know for a fact that these people are nothing like this. All the characters in this story are heavily exaggerated. This book is completely about making people laugh and to throw a few meaningful parts in here and there. Rodney is not exactly a stallion and his grip of social encounters isn't strong. But he is going up in the world. I will maybe upload some more another time. Will let you know if I do. :D Thanks for the feedback. it's good to have some that doesn't come from friends. :D - Comment on Protesters at the G20 (2009-04-08 04:32:49)
@ColombianMonkey: To quote the movie "starship troopers" "When we vote we are using force and force my friends is violence, the ultimate authority from which all other authority derives." it is true. Until humans are either not human or extinct. @dieAntagonista: hey Diea: Here is the link. Also a couple of other little silly stories there too. http://putridity.deviantart.com/art/Latter-Days-of-Rodney-Saint-118513166 Anyone feel free to peruse and abuse!