Isn't every car and truck in the US registered? Don't you have to report every sale to the government?
outlanderssc (17653)
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Recent Comments from outlanderssc
- Comment on the honest truth about guns (2013-02-14 20:08:03)
Isn't every car and truck in the US registered? Don't you have to report every sale to the government? - Comment on the honest truth about guns (2013-02-14 20:03:54)
They're playing with the numbers - violence did spike in 2000 after the buy back in 1997, but they've been dropping ever since. Gun deaths in AU are currently 1/3O of the US and have been for years. Gun control in Australia has been an overwhelming success. - Comment on the honest truth about guns (2013-02-14 19:27:11)
Not true, semi auto pistols and revolvers are legal in AU with a permit provided the barrel is at least 120mm long. - Comment on Legal Vs Illegal shotguns (2013-02-14 01:56:48)
Borrow trillions (to pay for the wars Bush lied to get us into), spend trillions (to keep the economy from tanking like it was when Bush left), blame Bush. Oh, and cut the deficit and the unemployment rate at the same time. A lot more than three steps. Oh, and did I mention saving the auto industry? - Comment on So making guns illegal will take them off the street (2013-02-14 01:44:58)
Then again, the Constitution doesn't grant the government the right to regulate meth, either - - Comment on So making guns illegal will take them off the street (2013-02-14 01:37:43)
Yeah, 35% - a real crime wave - last year the UK had 41 gun homicides, up from 31 the year before. In the same time period the USA had 9,146. If the US had the same per capita gun homicide rate as the UK we would cut the killings by more than 90%. Of course there was a single killing spree by one guy who killed 12 people in Cumbria and wounded 11 more - and he owned his gun legally. Not exactly "utopia" but not exactly "gun free" either. - Comment on such happy news (2013-02-14 01:10:26)
At least it's not some ugly chick you just boffed to get your rocks off. - Comment on Armoured Jacket (2013-02-12 18:37:00)
We all do - personally I work on mine almost every night - Comment on Obama lied about taking away guns (2013-02-12 18:31:49)
And I always thought the Conservatives were in FAVOR of state's rights. Maybe just the States that do what they want. - Comment on Katy Perry - see through dress (2013-02-12 18:14:33)
And the one she wore to the Grammys was way hotter - Comment on If pro-gunners are as violent as anti-gunners say they are, there wouldnt be any anti-gunners left (2013-02-11 17:54:38)
Never met anyone who was anti-gun. Met a lot of people who are pro-registration and lawful regulation. Like it says in the second amendment - "a well regulated militia" - Comment on I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery (2013-02-11 17:37:45)
Want dangerous freedom? Move to Somalia. - Comment on end violence against kids* (2013-02-08 00:43:55)
I agree with this post, the media should cover all types of gun violence not just the spectacular stuff. If people knew how bad it was we'd have better regulations - Comment on BIG stereo (2013-02-05 19:41:20)
And it only plays "Liberace's greatest hits" - Comment on Pick One (2013-02-03 19:47:46)
Not a Ferrari, I think that's the Coyote from "Hardcastle and McCormick"