NixOlympica (3768)
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Registered 2008-06-05 02:15:32

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Recent Comments from NixOlympica

  • Comment on Voiceover Artist Infographic (2011-08-23 17:02:34)
    I met Billy West once. He comes off as odd in interviews(though I think it's just an unbridled passion for what he does, which - sadly - is rare these days), but he's a damn decent guy. We talked a bit about Zoidberg and The 3 Stooges, and he posed in a picture with me, squaring off in our best "dukes up" comical Irish fighting stances. Nice guy, that Billy West.
  • Comment on Voiceover Artist Infographic (2011-08-23 16:55:40)
    No Jim Cummings either. That guy almost single-handedly kept Disney afloat through the '90s, and narrated the majority of my childhood. "LETS. GET. DANGEROUS."
  • Comment on team america (2011-07-21 08:01:59)
    S'all good. I did enjoy the series, but especially that they were modeled after various actors(Osborn as Tommy Lee Jones was a stroke of brilliance, IMHO). Definitely one of the better storylines to come out of Secret Invasion.
  • Comment on team america (2011-07-20 16:02:36)
    This is from Dark Avengers, a series that wrapped up last year. Norman Osborn (Green Goblin) was deemed reformed and a hero after saving Earth, so they gave him the keys to the Avengers. He basically pulled a Thunderbolts and secretly filled the roster with villains. They are, from L to R: Captain Marvel(Noh-Varr), Sentry, Ms. Marvel(Moonstone), Iron Patriot(Osborn), Ares, Wolverine(Wolvie's kid Daken), Hawkeye(Bullseye) and Spider-Man(Venom). It was an alright series; a fun idea with so-so execution.
  • Comment on Too stupid to understand science? (2011-06-07 07:35:49)
    Science is nice and all, but get back to me when it promotes groups of little kids being mauled by bears. (2 Kings 2:24)
  • Comment on What Fans see, what the rest of us see... (2011-06-06 10:26:57)
    Yep. Pretty much. Though, she does kind of serve a good purpose -- as in, being able to recognize her fan base makes it easy to identify when I shouldn't give a shit about someone. :)
  • Comment on Supersonic over San Franscisco Bay (2011-06-01 08:11:41)
    A bird. A very terrified bird.
  • Comment on The Hot Pants on NBC’s Wonder Woman (2011-05-26 12:04:20)
    When she said she needed to take a powder, this is not what she meant. Good to see Lex Luthor getting work after Smallville.
  • Comment on too lazy to carry (2011-05-25 08:08:18)
    Hahah. Just call it the new Urban Moby Wrap and you'll sell millions.
  • Comment on alibi (2011-05-25 05:09:11)
    Will Forte's dad?
  • Comment on Seven sins (2011-05-24 21:01:27)
    ...aaand you totally missed the entire point in order to spread propaganda and belittle others. You sound like you have hairy armpits.
  • Comment on Seven sins (2011-05-24 05:22:03)
    That was kind of the point from the start, wasn't it? Weren't Adam and Eve eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because, basically, they had become convinced they were god's equal, and could handle his knowledge? Sin isn't sin because it's bad but, because it's god's modus operandi and he doesn't like humans on his turf.
  • Comment on 6 things (2011-05-22 11:29:57)
    So... Star Trek, Star Wars, coffee, technology, lady bits and watching Waldo's hat falling. Did I get it right?
  • Comment on future science (2011-05-15 05:17:52)
    Fringe can be really great, and I've followed it religiously... but they really shit the bed with the last half of this season. They've taken some turns I didn't care for before (Fauxlivia covertly switching places last season), but always managed to do something interesting with it and turn me around... Until Bellivia. Goddamn, if that wasn't the biggest facepalm ever. I can't say they'll ever recover from that... or at least, that I'll stick around long enough to find out.
  • Comment on batman is single (2011-05-14 09:09:15)
    Jakita from Planetary, as this was from the Planetary/Batman crossover.
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