mwildish (6170)
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Registered 2009-01-23 20:29:03

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Recent Comments from mwildish

  • Comment on This shutdown sucks for everyone (2020-03-23 09:24:19)
    Do salaries change because men go into them or men leave them or do men make choices to follow the money? Woman tend to dominate fields that are publicly funded which is a safe choice but not lucrative.
  • Comment on fat bat (2020-03-03 12:06:29)
    Did Batman eat Robin?
  • Comment on VEGANS (2019-11-01 07:57:38)
    Perhaps it's like that old joke about the cow. The Vegans ate all the grass and went home?
  • Comment on Baby boomers share nearly 7 times as many fake news articles on Facebook as adults under 30 new study finds (2019-04-26 12:14:04)
    How can an academic paper that presumably wants to be taken seriously use a news outlets list of 'fake news' sites. I would not trust any list from a news site that is giving its opinion on other news sites. Were these academics so lazy that they could not be bothered to do any research on their own? This is just a worthless paper that appeals to people who want to believe they are better than other people.
  • Comment on Baby boomers share nearly 7 times as many fake news articles on Facebook as adults under 30 new study finds (2019-04-26 07:57:22)
    "The study drew its list of "fake news domains" from a list assembled by the journalist Craig Silverman of BuzzFeed News. " So Buzzfeed is a credible source to determine what is fake news? Really?
  • Comment on The Paradox of Tolerance (2018-03-01 09:58:13)
  • Comment on The Paradox of Tolerance (2018-02-22 16:16:15)
    When we are talking about decision making at some public level there is not two, there are thousands or millions or conversations and ideas. If a small number want some extreme solution then we listen, roll our eyes and collectively move on. If we (collectively) see that some group's extreme point of view is the product of ignorance or fear then we need to point out the alternative explanations for why their present situation is not due to the reasons they think. What we should not do is silence them and tell them to shut up and yell homophobe, racist, transphone etc. at them, because for every vocal one there may be hundreds (or thousands) of quiet ones thinking the same thing. They are the ones we want to convince because they are the ones that give power to the extremists. Most people are reasonable, but if they hear no acceptance of their issues, no one addressing their fears, no one listening to them, even if it is to try and correct them then you will lose in the end. During the last presidential election this was very plain. Clinton lost because she shut down conversion. Refused to even acknowledge the humanity of those who were not here core supporters (basket of deplorables). People who wanted to vote for her, could not bring themselves to do so because they felt alienated. They needed a voice of hope and they got a voice of blame from Clinton and so they turned away and did not vote or voted for Trump. The people you are wanting to shutdown still get to vote.
  • Comment on The Paradox of Tolerance (2018-02-22 15:01:59)
    Tiki, I think you misunderstand me. I am not saying you allow them to be part of the discussion. First, you do not own the discussion or have any authority to decide who gets to be part of it. Secondly, how do they take over the discussion? Do they have a magic spell or something? The discussion is just people talking. Tell them they are idiots and why. The reason they often gain power is that people in power spend more time silencing and vilifying opponents than actually trying to find a way to help people. By ignoring their problems because you can't accept their explanation for it is short sighted.
  • Comment on The Paradox of Tolerance (2018-02-22 09:31:04)
    The problem with this is that it assumes that if people hear intolerant ideas they will be swayed by them and become intolerant. This is not true. People become intolerant because their opinions are marginalized or they suffer economic hardships and perceive that toleration of some group or political idea is stopping them from succeeding. Trying to keep people ignorant of certain ideas is both arrogant and dangerous and will not end well.
  • Comment on Concept (2016-07-18 08:20:51)
    This was from a Saturday Morning TV show called ARC II. Watched it as a kid
  • Comment on Pacer (2016-05-05 09:14:23)
    My first car was a Pacer. Bought it used for $200. It was maybe 7 years old but looked 20 years old.
  • Comment on RAW: Virginia cop pepper-sprays stroke sufferer in the face (2015-06-03 08:01:21)
    Oh he's black....did not see that coming.
  • Comment on WARNING! User accounts are being deleted! (2014-11-10 08:54:47)
  • Comment on dry niagra falls (2010-09-29 06:30:48)
    That's the american falls next to niagara. When they stopped the falls for cleaning, they found the body of a woman who had comitted suicide.
  • Comment on Open 25 Hours (2009-02-17 08:07:04)
    Open 25 hours, closed 143. Good week.
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