monkeybird02 (4458)
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Registered 2008-08-23 16:09:12

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Recent Comments from monkeybird02

  • Comment on 5 prayers a day, billions of prayers wasted (2010-06-07 12:41:33)
    They're wasted prayers, anyways. Allah hates you and wants you to destroy yourself.
  • Comment on RIP Gary Coleman (2010-06-03 15:20:31)
    Greatest country as in, most of the freedom that exists in the world was, at one time or another bought with American blood. What other country can you say that about? Colombia? If not for the sacrifice of (mostly) American soldiers, this world would be a much darker more dangerous place. You can spout cunt-faced America-hating rhetoric all you want, but it does not change the FACT that but for US blood spilled abroad, vast portions of the world would not know the freedom that they know now.
  • Comment on RIP Gary Coleman (2010-06-03 15:14:57)
    Well, if it's so fucking hard to get in, then why do people bother? Why is there a waiting list?
  • Comment on RIP Gary Coleman (2010-06-03 11:06:53)
    If only
  • Comment on What happens when (2010-05-25 21:22:48)
    But, but... the children...
  • Comment on New car (2010-05-17 13:47:03)
    Have fun adding a new engine every two years or so.
  • Comment on Rest in Peace, Demon Prince (2010-05-16 21:09:42)
    And a smaller one for KG...
  • Comment on Lottery Winner (2010-05-08 08:09:58)
    Flat broke bankrupt in 3, 2, 1....
  • Comment on guns vs voting (2010-05-07 10:54:24)
    Really? Are you sure about that? Or is that just what you want to believe? And, um, you guys in Ohio are the cream of the fucking crop?
  • Comment on guns vs voting (2010-05-06 12:32:09)
    I'm curious as to what country you'd be less ashamed to be from, and why.
  • Comment on guns vs voting (2010-05-06 10:37:02)
    Why are you usually pretty ashamed to be an American?
  • Comment on black cock vs rush (2010-04-27 10:35:35)
    How incredibly fucking clever.
  • Comment on United States Army Enemy Combatant Identification Manual (2010-04-21 20:09:33)
    Seriously? You think when the Taliban kills civilians it's because they dont mean to? Bombing markets by accident? Pol Pot killed his own countrymen by mistake? They kill(ed) civilians to bring the people to their knees. Do you have any clue how many US troops have died as a result of our efforts to keep the non-combatant populace safe? The US military are not butchers. There may be a few bad apples, but by and large our military is stocked with professionals, not murderers. When these things happen, it usually is the result of a mistake.
  • Comment on United States Army Enemy Combatant Identification Manual (2010-04-21 14:58:48)
    You mean as a representative percentage of armed forces serving throughout the world? Or in raw numbers? Because an overwhelming percentage of soldiers serving in conflict are American. So the shit that happens, happens to American soldiers more than others. But on the whole, our military is the highest trained, most professional, and hardest working of any military in the world.
  • Comment on United States Army Enemy Combatant Identification Manual (2010-04-21 14:10:18)
    That is a pretty cunty picture. Does anyone actually think that our armed forces wants to kill innocents? It's war, shit happens.
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