mintymadness (4396)
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22 yr old, Dad, in Midwest US (StLouis - born 'n' raised in Houston TX)

Registered 2008-08-15 16:59:43

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Recent Comments from mintymadness

  • Comment on B-wings vs Star destroyer (2009-07-20 09:26:34)
    Fail. The b-wing is the successor to the y-wing. The y-wing was the original "bomber" for the RA. The b-wing was developed as a response to the "newer" more powerful capital ships (star destroyers). The b-wing was designed specifically to take these ships head on. quote: "The B-wing carried an unusually high payload for its size, due to its designation as an assault fighter. As originally designed, the B-wing carried three ion cannons, two proton torpedo launchers, one laser cannon, and two auto-blasters. Most B-wings had their two auto-blasters replaced with laser cannons to improve survivability and firepower, though some B-wings had four auto-blasters. The B-wing was originally designed with a unique fire-control system which fires low-power lasers at a target to give the computer range and vector information for the torpedoes and ion cannons. While its strong deflector shields and great firepower allowed it to be somewhat survivable in fighter engagements, it usually required an escort on the way in. However, with the firepower of many naval corvettes, it fulfilled its purpose as a dangerous foe against many light capital ships." Know your star wars or stfu.
  • Comment on keeley (2009-06-11 10:04:46)
    can someone use the xray thing in photoshop on this picture? That would be STELLAR.
  • Comment on Microsoft Windows XP (2009-04-28 11:07:05)
    @teezy weezy: Fuck off fanboy.. That shit is so tired. How old are you anyway? 12?
  • Comment on Stealth Bombers (2009-04-24 10:31:25)
    marry me
  • Comment on Deadly Aircraft (2009-04-23 14:20:59)
    @Orin: You win 12 internets. Eurofighters are fucking sick dude.
  • Comment on Gunships (2009-04-23 08:58:42)
    Syl, I love you more everyday.
  • Comment on € for Europe (2009-04-02 10:32:54)
    @dieAntagonista: Last time I checked we were kind of losing our foothold in the "richest nation on the planet" category.. @sutenvulf: Who fucking cares. That's not what define's america's greatness you psycho.
  • Comment on Rihanna Vacuuming (2009-03-30 08:36:58)
    I'd like to stand under her umbrella..
  • Comment on Flyleaf (2009-03-25 16:11:31)
    gah last comment was directed at luke.. something fucked up obviously. Whatever you all get the point. Carry on.
  • Comment on Flyleaf (2009-03-25 16:10:09)
    @dieAntagonista: because...why? Or else....? I have to listen to psuedo-emo bitch go off on some tangent about jew-hating being equivalent to eating babies, or whatever other weird dumb, profoundly time-wasting diatribe she happens to come up with? Please.. Whatever she has to say at this point falls on deaf-ears. Another "statistic" is what she is. Good Riddance.
  • Comment on Flyleaf (2009-03-25 16:01:03)
    @dieAntagonista: I don't really care what your opinion is about people being "elitist" for not liking your band... That's the kid whining cause the other kids don't like the game he wants to play, so he takes his metaphorical ball and goes home. dieA. You're hot chicka, but looks only do so much. Once in a while, how about shut the fuck up. You talk tooooooooo much. If you spent HALF the energy you do on "correcting wrong people on the internet," on something... ELSE.. Who knows, there could be a cure for cancer somewhere in that equation. I'm honestly sick of reading funny comments only to have my enjoyment train derailed by your bullshit opinions.
  • Comment on Windows Vista (2009-02-25 09:13:00)
    @Nimbo: I call bullshit. Vista has only been available since January of 07. For the rest: Hey lets hate microsoft! Let's hate on Vista! Everyone else is doing it!! Fucking bandwagon jumping emo-douche fucks. YOUR OPINIONS ARE INVALID.
  • Comment on Abandoned Steel Mill (2009-02-25 09:03:50)
    IS this your "job" ? As in you get paid to do this? @CathyLong: Do you live in St. Louis?
  • Comment on Bawl Story (2009-02-18 09:23:49)
    @broxolm: Pics to prove that you're not the fat slobby emo kid "best friend" of the chick, or gtfo.
  • Comment on Redneck Mech (2009-02-13 13:44:00)
    hate to break it to you all.. But I don't think this picture originated anywhere in America... But I'm basing my judgement on the car sitting there. That's no Scion xB.
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