KerryII (1080)
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Registered 2007-08-28 20:12:37

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Recent Comments from KerryII

  • Comment on Fish Head (2007-09-23 15:20:54)
  • Comment on Trade Towers Ground Zero Satellite Photo (2007-09-11 19:02:44)
    iddqd, Thank you for this post. Although we can laugh and make fun (I have, and did, today) we need to remember the people in the office building that morning. Some were goofing off and probably looking at MCS (or some other inferior image site)like us that day and then BOOM. This day in 2001 was shitty. I do not support Bush or the Iraq war, but the folks that died that day need to be respected and remembered.
  • Comment on alcoholic checkers (2007-09-08 11:41:43)
    Sorry for my comment, egnilk. I didn't mean to piss you off. In all honestly I had a little drunk on and would not have been such a dick otherwise. As far as the GW Bush comment, you are WAY off on that one, brother. We are on the same page in that regard.
  • Comment on alcoholic checkers (2007-09-07 20:57:01)
    @Caio - This is a real checkerboard; my friend bought one for his buddy. If you were being sarcastic, sorry. @egnilk66 - For real, Dude, stop being such a douche bag. You are probably some 16 year old kid on his Mommy's computer. I am sorry if tiki thinks your images suck. Grow the fuck up.
  • Comment on Um.... Meow? (2007-09-07 20:50:42)
    In the right outfit, she wouldn't be that bad.
  • Comment on Killer Painting (2007-09-07 20:47:24)
    Do it! He's too dangerous to be left alive!
  • Comment on Fuel Vs. Wallet (2007-09-06 19:09:23)
    I am not worried. Up here in the boonies we don't have to commute 10 hours a week to work. I drive to work for 5 minutes a day. Gives me ma horsepower! V8 5.9L 285 ponies. Here is what I drive, sorry for the crappy image:
  • Comment on PC Versus Mac (Person Edition) (2007-09-06 19:02:36)
    LOOK OUT!!! GEEK FIGHT!!! I couldn't give any less shits regarding MAC vs. PC. As long as I can gets ma PORN!
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