Jesh (5275)
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Registered 2008-11-07 03:24:25

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Recent Comments from Jesh

  • Comment on MCS Theme Day – Alcohol (2015-05-01 18:05:13)
    Ahh Laphroaig. I think I'll have a glass now.
  • Comment on gun and bullets (2014-11-18 23:15:44)
    Uses the same round as the FN PS90. Been considering picking one up. Stopping power is a bit low, but otherwise it's a good gun.
  • Comment on tardigrade (2014-04-14 18:53:28)
    These little guys are an opposable thumb away from ruling the earth: "Tardigrades are classified as extremophiles, organisms that can thrive in a physically or geochemically extreme condition that would be detrimental to most life on Earth.[6][7][3] For example, tardigrades can withstand temperatures from just above absolute zero to well above the boiling point of water, pressures about six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, ionizing radiation at doses hundreds of times higher than the lethal dose for a human, and the vacuum of outer space. They can go without food or water for more than 10 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce"
  • Comment on motorcecly driver (2014-01-17 13:22:22)
    So. I can't quite tell. Did he fall into the hole and kick up a bunch of mud, or did he fall into the hole and explode like a water balloon?
  • Comment on The true truffle shuffle (2013-09-14 18:26:34)
  • Comment on The Master Wouldn't Approve (2013-07-07 02:17:57)
    That looks like the Master from "Manos: The Hands of Fate." Which, if you translate Manos into English, comes out to be "Hands: The Hands of Fate," which is just silly, but not as silly as "Manos: The Hands of Fate" was - that movie was horrid beyond imagining. They featured it on Mystery Science Theater 3000, and the evil scientists actually apologized.
  • Comment on Table with a view (2013-06-19 00:47:35)
    Where is this?
  • Comment on chicken thing (2013-04-29 18:43:26)
    I found the video on youtube demonstrating this machine's use - looks like this particular gif is sped up significantly, making it appear much more vicious than it actually is. But then, this is still the giant blue machine of whirring chicken death, so maybe it's a moot point.
  • Comment on Morning star (2013-03-05 21:27:53)
    I detect a troll. On the plus side, that sure is a nice flail with which to hit said troll.
  • Comment on delicious pizza (2013-02-22 23:01:08)
    How do you know it's delicious? You haven't even taken a bite. Fair amount of assumption in this pic...
  • Comment on motor protein (2013-02-20 20:24:55)
    This was taken from a longer video that was actually surprisingly well done. A copy of the video can be found here:
  • Comment on Pop ups and overlays should now be a thing of the past on MCS (2012-06-16 20:12:22)
    Just got an overlay, Jack in the box ad:
  • Comment on Yep, that is a shit load of ducks (2011-10-05 02:29:58)
    Huh. Thought you guys in Bldg 2 were supposed to have your new nameplates by now.
  • Comment on Guiness and single malt (2009-04-23 10:06:48)
    Mmm. I haven't been to Kell's in too long - I seem to find myself at Paddy's more often than not on First and Yamhill (they have a wall o' liquor, after all), but I suddenly find myself missing that basement.
  • Comment on Humulus lupulus (2008-11-07 14:26:52)
    Well played :D
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