I understand that his references to the police force (that's what I'll call it for conversation's sake) have been in other contexts, but you can't just say that something was taken out of context or could've been meant as something else when it leaves the door open for something so important as a plan to begin a separate police force that would be run by the President in whole or in majority. That's a huge thing and I don't feel like it's something that should be left open like that, given the gravity of those comments. I agree completely with the idea of spending money to "nicen-up" our country and others instead of spending it on wars, political objectives, etc etc. I just don't think that further strengthening our government's power over the people is going to help that. I think we should stop giving money to countries that hate us and we should begin to give it to countries that need it and like us or we should just keep our own damn money like so many other well-respected countries! Thanks DasMaus...was trying to think of a way to express how I feel he is being viewed by the ignorants of this country who have bought into his pretty smile and nice suits almost as a religion. As a side note, those that happen to believe in everything he says because they've listened and given good, honest, educated thought to him are not in that group - I don't want anyone to think that I'm calling all or even most of Obama's constituents ignorant.
jascas_ (3739)
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Recent Comments from jascas_
- Comment on Obama Points You Out (2008-11-04 16:44:52)
I understand that his references to the police force (that's what I'll call it for conversation's sake) have been in other contexts, but you can't just say that something was taken out of context or could've been meant as something else when it leaves the door open for something so important as a plan to begin a separate police force that would be run by the President in whole or in majority. That's a huge thing and I don't feel like it's something that should be left open like that, given the gravity of those comments. I agree completely with the idea of spending money to "nicen-up" our country and others instead of spending it on wars, political objectives, etc etc. I just don't think that further strengthening our government's power over the people is going to help that. I think we should stop giving money to countries that hate us and we should begin to give it to countries that need it and like us or we should just keep our own damn money like so many other well-respected countries! Thanks DasMaus...was trying to think of a way to express how I feel he is being viewed by the ignorants of this country who have bought into his pretty smile and nice suits almost as a religion. As a side note, those that happen to believe in everything he says because they've listened and given good, honest, educated thought to him are not in that group - I don't want anyone to think that I'm calling all or even most of Obama's constituents ignorant. - Comment on increases in the national debt (2008-11-04 16:33:31)
yay graph party. - Comment on Tax Plans of the USA (2008-11-04 16:31:04)
Dear thelotuseater725, Thank you for your concern, truly. I'm certain that I'm in the minority here, but I will voice my opinion all the same. Some times it will be aligned more with the right, some times the left, some times liberal, some times conservative. I'm just proud I have my own opinions, not what some political party or social group has told me to think because I'm a southerner or black or poor or Mexican or from the east or rich, etc. If I have educated myself about something, I will say what I think - if not, I will simply listen. Wow, this soap box is really high up. - Comment on Tax Plans of the USA (2008-11-04 16:27:22)
Howie, Please don't polarize or misconstrue my comments - I'm saying less service, less tax, more service, more tax. I am not saying what you're trying to from my argument, that rich people don't use more service. I don't agree that someone making $1,000,000/yr is using ~$300,000/yr more government services than someone making $22,000. What I am saying is that to make them pay another $100,000/yr in taxes because they can is outrageous - they're already paying a much higher percentage on their disposable income. Now I know that you cannot measure how much more government-provided service they consume, but I will dare you to say with a straight face that you feel like they're being taxed somewhere close to what they use. Your example of how you get "rich" is absolutely ridiculous - I guess you don't realize how many people make six and seven figures on a W-2 each year - not requiring anyone in the public to drive to them or use government infrastructure to benefit from their service. Besides, do you really think that income taxes pay for even a small amount of road building or maintenance?? Try local sales & gas taxes - that's where most of the money comes from, and where the "rich" person pays along the same exact use/tax ratio as the "poor" person. What the heck do government-regulated car parts have to do with anything? Perhaps you're a bit behind the times, but the US government hasn't given much oversight that has helped the public with wireless digital services, let alone helped advance technology. For what a government should do (or not do, as it were), check out Japan and how it's government has allowed cell companies to do what they'd like as long as it's on the general infrastructure for the entire nation. Let's also not be racist - I know you never specifically mentioned African Americans in your third paragraph, but we all know what you meant. You're arguing a point against one I never made - at no point did I say that "LuWanda" should have to "pay a whole crapload" for the services she uses. In fact, if "LuWanda" really does make $200/wk, she'll pay no income taxes at all. That is fine by me, but you must realize there are people that make incomes between $200/wk and however much you're implying "Chester McRichbastard" makes, and the people on the lower end of that should have to pay their fair share of taxes, too, instead of having the more wealthy people pay them just because they're able. And again, I never implied that rich people live "in some kind of fucking vaccuum" where they don't "need roads or a military or police" - I just don't think they use tens or hundreds times more of those services. You're also implying that all rich people have big houses, drive all the time, and generally consume more and more often, which is an ignorant assumption and a wrong one at that. Lastly, I am still not arguing that tax rates should be the same up and down the board, nor even that the marginal rates shouldn't increase as income increases. What I am saying is that bitching about "tax cuts for the rich" when their marginal rate is going from 36% to 34% (for example) or when a huge majority of them already pay tens and hundreds of thousands per year in income taxes alone is ridiculous. - Comment on Tax Plans of the USA (2008-11-04 15:10:19)
WTF is that he pays a huge percentage of long-term capital gains taxes vs the average earner (most of his income is from investments in and similar to his own company), which are capped at 15%. If you didn't work a W-2 or 1099 job like most of the average joes, you, too could invest in companies and pay 15% on your income, too - you would just earn a good bit less because you don't have the $$ he has to get into the elite investment groups. Also, he's one example - I'm not talking about the 2 or 3 or even 400 richest people in the country - I'm talking about the top 1% or so, who make a TON of money every year, but do not have the pull of a Buffet or a Gates. If you were to poll those making in the upper 6 digits and into the 7 and 8 digits, I'd be willing to wager a huge amount of money that most of them pay very close to their highest marginal rate. I say that because my experience has been one big survey. - Comment on Obama Points You Out (2008-11-04 15:03:20)
Yes sir, I am. Don't mistake me for a McCain supporter, either - I just take issue with vague and open-ended statements about having a civilian police force (with whatever name he wants to give it) that could be run almost entirely by The Dalai Obama and that can rival that of the US Military. It's scary shit, given he wants to "accomplish the national security objectives that [they've] set". Isn't there enough government butting into the private citizens' lives without creating a whole new police force on top of the ones we already have? - Comment on Tax Plans of the USA (2008-11-04 14:55:20)
Re: tax-dodging laws. I have two degrees in accounting - one in general accounting (undergrad) and one in taxation (graduate). I prepare and review tax returns for one of the largest accounting firms in the world, and specialize in privately-owned businesses and individual tax returns. During my time as a tax accountant (in school and as a professional preparer), I will tell you that there are actually very few individuals that get away with paying little tax - the marginal rate has been in the upper 30% range for years now, and I will confidently say that the vast (vast) majority of the taxpayers I have prepared and reviewed returns for pay close to that every year. Very few taxpayers involve themselves in this "overseas account" nonsense because of the paperwork and litigation involved, not to mention you still have to pay tax on most of that income in the US if the country your money is in doesn't charge enough. Don't kid yourself and think that the rich are getting away with murder, so to speak. If I had a dollar for every 6- and 7-digit quarterly tax payment check I've seen, I'd be one of those rich folks, too. - Comment on Tax Plans of the USA (2008-11-04 14:49:47)
sorry...the WTF was directed at j_bryon's comment, not WistfulD's. - Comment on Tax Plans of the USA (2008-11-04 14:49:16)
^ WHAT THE FUCK. How is an ability-to-pay tax system fair at all? Fair is taxing those who, beyond the income needed to sustain life (a la the personal exemptions and standard deductions you get to claim on your tax return), have the income to pay for the services they use. More services, more tax. Less services, less tax. It makes no sense for those that make a lot of expendable income to be paying a ton of taxes for services they don't use. - Comment on I can has election (2008-11-04 14:38:55)
Huh...had no idea. Thanks for the info, nyokki. - Comment on hope - obama 2008 (2008-11-04 14:32:06)
continuing with my numerical system of delineated talking points: 1) I don't use dictionary.com to form my arguments. Elzarcothepale suggested that I use it, but that's the only mention of that site. 2) A caudex? What?? I understand what a caudex is, but not why you called me that. 3) Wikipedia, of course. Alas, my degrees are not in the sciences. - Comment on hope - obama 2008 (2008-11-04 13:45:36)
lol. hay hay. - Comment on I can has election (2008-11-04 13:44:24)
I think we'd have to go a bit lower than 3rd before we found someone I'm happy with - the 3rd party folks are just different colored bricks in the big establishment building, IMO. - Comment on Obama Points You Out (2008-11-04 13:41:30)
YOU! Give me your guns and much of your money. NOW. I must fund and supply my civilian police force!! - Comment on Tax Plans of the USA (2008-11-04 13:40:10)
I have to admit that I'm not entirely sure what this chart is telling me. Is this showing the average % increase for marginal tax rates at different income levels? If one is to believe that their spendable income will either rise or lower depending on tax law, shouldn't we consider much much more than just income taxes?