jascas_ (3739)
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Registered 2008-06-02 16:31:46

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Recent Comments from jascas_

  • Comment on Airplane Landing Time Lapse (hi-res) (2008-11-07 14:18:28)
    neat shot. FWIW, a more accurate title would be Airplane Landing Long Exposure. Time Lapse is generally used to refer to a video made of several stills taken at specific intervals which, in this case, would show the plane several times during the landing. But hey, it's a cool find whether you call it Long Exposure, Time Lapse, or William.
  • Comment on Do You Smelllllllllllllllllllll(etc), What Barack is Cookin?! (2008-11-07 10:13:35)
    @tiki god: Agreed - I've seen "walk tall" several times as well as a few other movies of his and I think he's a great actor. For some reason, my wife thinks he's a great actor, too...
  • Comment on Humulus lupulus (2008-11-07 10:11:17)
    @ Jesh Isn't it "Yeah. I think I need a Humulus Lupulus smelling drink. What a great idea."?
  • Comment on Yield To Bikes Doing Wheelies Sign (2008-11-07 10:06:26)
    lol @ terwilligher
  • Comment on Do You Smelllllllllllllllllllll(etc), What Barack is Cookin?! (2008-11-06 22:26:29)
    and mixin Kool-Aid? cutting up some watermelon? boiling some collard greens?
  • Comment on OMG OBAMA (2008-11-05 13:39:06)
    Although i think that his point was made pretty clearly - that the other taboos were going to fall in addition to, not as a result of...I generally agree with elzarcothepale.
  • Comment on OMG OBAMA (2008-11-05 13:06:36)
    I won't repeat mintymadness's post, but those are basically my thoughts. Perhaps later you'll re-read these posts and understand what everyone is saying, maybe not. No harm, no foul though. One thing I'd like to reiterate is that he was drawing no connection between Obama winning the election and those things happening - he was merely stating that perhaps our society will loosen up a bit more about the things he listed as they, along with having a black President, are things that are good things that have been treated as bad or scary things by a lot of our society in the past.
  • Comment on OMG OBAMA (2008-11-05 12:33:11)
    lol...holy crap. what are you so angry about? Once again, calling names isn't necessary - it just makes you look bad and generally comes across as something you're doing to compensate for your lack of a good argument. A black man being the President was "somehow strange" because 0% of the former presidents were anything but middle- to late-aged white men. Let's not be silly - you know just as well as anyone else that it wasn't expected just a few years ago that a black man would give a serious run for that office. The title of this very post that we're commenting on is evidence of some of that disbelief, to one extent or another, even from his supporters (like tiki). No one is arguing that it couldn't happen or it shouldn't happen - just that it happened relatively quickly given that no black man before has really stood a chance and Obama went all the way. Elepski's point was not tying a presidential election where a black(ish) man won to legalizing drugs, religious oppression, or any of the other taboos he or she was trying to convey. His (I'll assume Elepski's a guy) point was only to bring light to the other things that are spoken about, but not acted upon for the most part by our society quite yet. There are supporters of each of his bulleted items, but none of them are quite to the point to where they are generally accepted and embraced by our country's population or government, and that's what ties his points to Obama winning the election. They're just "next in line", so to speak. lol @ "racist piece of shit". I'm not even going to address this one other than calling attention to the facts that not only do you not know enough about me to know if I am even remotely racist, but you don't even know what race I am. I consider myself to be a bit of an internet grammar nazi, but in no way do I not grant others a little leeway when it helps get a point across.
  • Comment on my halloween costume. (2008-11-05 12:01:42)
    1-6 *2
  • Comment on OMG OBAMA (2008-11-05 11:50:06)
    Elepski is spot-on, I do believe, and I'll support those comments 100%. dieAntagonista must have had a bad morning or something - a black president is something that has only been spoken about like it's a fairy tale that will not happen until the world turns upside down, wtf does women's suffrage have to do with Elepski's point, and yes, I've heard "atheist" used as an insult. Problem with informal incorrect sentences on teh interwebs? Although I rarely do it seems, I agree with Caio re: defining one's self and lol @ "aelvetheist".
  • Comment on increases in the national debt (2008-11-05 09:57:31)
    @Tyger42 AMEN and hallelujah.
  • Comment on Remington Steel Wallace (2008-11-05 09:53:32)
    R.I.P. Remington. Looked like a fun little doggy.
  • Comment on Obama Points You Out (2008-11-04 17:16:24)
    @DasMaus: Yeah, I can't say that I think you're wrong about that - I believe that if the public at large actually informed themselves (or were able to inform themselves, as a lot of good stuff is made up and a lot of bad stuff is covered up), there would be a drastically different political atmosphere & makeup nowadays. I wish there was a 1-year buffer for the presidency in that we elected a guy and if he didn't show promise after 365 days, he was out and we held another election. Four years is a long time to elect a guy for just because he's black or because he's the next Republican to vote for.
  • Comment on Obama: "Leave McCain to me" (2008-11-04 17:05:12)
    lol @ nyokki @LukeV1-5, white supremacists WANT to kill him, so he can WANT to kill them in return. As soon as one actually kills him, THEN he can kill them back. Disclaimer: I wholeheartedly believe that murder is not the answer to a political debate and do not condone the assassination of Obama or any white supremacists.
  • Comment on hope - obama 2008 (2008-11-04 16:48:23)
    You're right, LukeV1-5...accounting & taxation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caudex is my understanding. please enlighten... and DasMaus...that's just silly.
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