JamesTuskGeorge (2787)
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Registered 2008-03-18 16:30:03

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Recent Comments from JamesTuskGeorge

  • Comment on Google is planing something big (2010-07-02 01:28:14)
    Google are on the way out. They're simply not as good as the competition anymore, they've ben wasting time on everything else while other people are making search engines that find what you want. They've also drastically failed in China - not only to make money, but they've also to convince their investors (as opposed to Joe Public) that the failiure was the fault of Chinese censorship as it's becoming obvious their business plan failed, the promises on returns to investors from China were impossible with Baidu already established, and their current operational costs in China are only barely being met with risk of a massive loss if China swiftly moves from an export to an import market. They brand themselves as caring for everyone, but they're after the hard cash and lying through their teeth to justify a cut and run.
  • Comment on My Grad (2010-07-01 14:18:42)
    Yeah, many times.
  • Comment on My Grad (2010-06-30 11:00:33)
    Well, Scots = thin faced, high cheekboned, fair skinned northern European people. You = round nosed, prominant jawed, eastern European person.
  • Comment on Gaza (2010-06-29 11:58:00)
    It's an Israeli security matter, you cannot deny Israel the right to defend itself.
  • Comment on Deadliest Drugs (2010-06-28 13:35:24)
    Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
  • Comment on Amusing Ourselves To Death (2010-06-26 08:23:39)
    I should note that I agree with Neil Postman about the fetid waste the USA is, and can't wait for it to sink beneath the weight of its own bullshit.
  • Comment on Amusing Ourselves To Death (2010-06-26 08:17:49)
    Absolutely correct, however: Huxley was primarily writing about the Consumerism (in Brave New World), while Orwell was writing about Totalitarianism (in 1984). If he had been born in North Korea Neil Postman (if in my alternate universe he had the education and courage to do so) would have written a book about "the certainty that Orwell was right and Huxley was wrong". Neil Postman is as myopic as he is arrogant in seeing the USA as the centre of the world, about which all must obviously have written, and from which there is no alternative. The world, in his view, has no more choice than to follow the path the US choses, than water has of flowing uphill. In reality this is not the case. Both Brave new World and 1894 were written for Europe, one warning against cultural/political trends in Russia, the other warning us about cultural/political trends in the USA.
  • Comment on magneto - how does he work (2010-06-24 13:30:45)
    Apparently it goes something like "Hey Ian, we have a movie, we'll pay you, you in?" "Well of course I am, make sure there's gin in the dressing room".
  • Comment on If Gov Bob McDonnell Were German (2010-06-24 13:27:53)
    Yup, no idea what this is supposed to be about. I expect to see it with the title changed a fair bit though.
  • Comment on young military operator (2010-06-24 13:23:25)
    The kid's got a gun, he's pointing at a merkin, kill the terrorist scum!
  • Comment on Another Kill joy Moment from BP (2010-06-22 13:43:05)
    Well... no, not really. I live on the other side of the world and drive ethanol. I'm secretly pleased the USA is getting a taste of the capitalist backlash it's foisted on the rest of the world for decades. Bhopal.
  • Comment on Moldy Bible (2010-06-21 11:35:03)
    Like... wow. Man. This thread's not dead yet?
  • Comment on World's Worst Oil Spills (2010-06-19 13:27:43)
    Hmm, Amoco Cadiz as well, the US courts let the US company pay only 5% of the cleanup costs and cleared them of all blame.
  • Comment on World's Worst Oil Spills (2010-06-19 13:16:07)
    ...and the US goverment almost totally protected the [US] owners, refusing to help prosecute and eventually letting them pay a small fraction of the cleanup costs. Then again, the USA also let the [US] owners of the Exxon Valdez off with $500 million instead of $5 billion on appeal and that was on their own shores, and are still protecting the [US] companies and individuals responsible for Bhopal. I find it hard to be sympathetic, you reap what you sow.
  • Comment on Meanwhile in America (2010-06-19 10:39:49)
    The people of Bhopal weep with you.
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