??????? ?????? (191259)
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Registered 2014-12-20 10:38:28

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Recent Comments from ??????? ??????

  • Comment on when you wish upon a star (2015-12-11 17:08:36)
    well, as for comments above, light year means both time and distance - when you see a star 1 l.y. from you, you see a one year old pic (=time) and it took one year for the light from this star to get to your eye pupil with speed 300k km/sec plus space curve(approx365x24x60x60x300000km=distance). another thing, unless you wish through Hubble telescope :), when you look up at night you see only the stars of our galaxy, even the Milky Way. they are not so far from us to be so hopeless. yet, what's important for me here is the idea in this pic of being careful with your childish and naive thoughts in adult life (it's like taking care of precious things from your childhood as having pleasure of mere watching stars for example and getting rid of dangerous things like when you don't have experience to know whom you can trust and you just trust everyone). Also, as I remember from our folklore, usually a wish is made upon a falling star and the idea is simple - if you know so well what you want and can make a wish while it's falling, you'll have it for sure.
  • Comment on Texting and Walking (2014-12-20 07:36:57)
    it was a really lucky day for the guy: security was near enough, the train was far enough to allow the security to jump down and save him (watch how that man first checked the distance to the train and then only jumped down), there was a space under the platform (I don't know if it is everywhere and honestly I don't want to check it) - but that's a useful point of this gif for me. Darwin comment is good: of course noone wishes him death, but he's a perfect idiot that met his perfect lucky coincidence that day. Life loves us, that's all about it.
  • Comment on Dirty Liberal Gun Laws (2014-12-20 07:17:53)
    It's not that dangerous yet to vote or raise a family without a gun, and kids often have to learn how to live without these means of protection and when it is impossible, they find ways to get them no matter what. Also, I'm an ex-hunter and I had one more safety rule: (even unloaded) gun line should never cross people or their possible location (bushes or whatever to the skyline/bullet flight).
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