garbledxmission (1295)
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Registered 2007-10-02 14:56:55

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Recent Comments from garbledxmission

  • Comment on B61-11 Nuclear Bunker Buster Bomb (2009-04-08 01:03:24)
    with or without the fallout?
  • Comment on B61-11 Nuclear Bunker Buster Bomb (2009-04-08 00:40:43)
    Feel happy, they spent more on the Kinetic Weapons Program. But don't worry, Obama is gonna change that whole military industrial complex system and fix it up right good I tell ya whut.
  • Comment on B61-11 Nuclear Bunker Buster Bomb (2009-04-08 00:32:24)
    Yes, because it technically doesn't qualify as a nuclear weapon. (yes I know, I know, let it go.) Secondly, at the time they really only paid lip service to the NPT.
  • Comment on IQs by Religion (2009-04-08 00:24:54)
    Cathy, thanks for proving yet again, that you are retarded troll bait. Thanks for playing. I love you, you filthy pirate hooker.
  • Comment on B61-11 Nuclear Bunker Buster Bomb (2009-04-08 00:11:15)
    Orbital Tungsten kinetic weapons will make these and nukes obsolete.
  • Comment on Marvel Zombies vs Army of Darkness goodness! (2009-04-05 02:02:26)
    zombies are the way of the future. I can only hope to be in a minor leadership position of the Legions of the Dead. Go play You will love it. I will find your character and help you evolve. Later bebe!
  • Comment on Future might be like this (2009-04-05 00:42:08)
    As for the "advancement of science involves risk" defense. I call bullshit. It's one thing for one lunatic to risk himself in the name of scientific advancement. It's quite another for tens of millions of retards to risk themselves and me on a daily basis to get from point A to B a little bit faster. Fuck them. It's called the shallow end of the gene pool and the lowest contract bidder for a reason people. Wake up and smell the repulsorlift fumes.
  • Comment on Future might be like this (2009-04-05 00:38:20)
    I would agree with all of you except for one simple thing...all of the examples you so vociferously threw up in defense of your position don't take into account the sheer number of personal vehicles involved. Yes there are aircraft of all sorts currently in our airspace. But they are limited to set flight patterns and are in relativly small numbers vs the number of people who use them. Now consider the number of vehicles used by people for personal transport. Now imagine all those vehicles IN THE AIR ABOVE US. Do the math people. That's a lot more metal in the air above us in a much closer proximity to use compared to current aircraft. Argue all you want, numbers don't lie. Reboot, feel free to refute me if I'm wrong and I'll accept your judgement. Otherwise you can all just go suck it.
  • Comment on Marvel Zombies vs Army of Darkness goodness! (2009-04-04 23:36:23)
    Fuck you all, fuck you in your non zombie loving asses. Fuck marvel, fuck danny and terry's buffalo chicken wings, fuck squirrels, fuck the suit dummies, fuck legal aid. Fuck Jim Lehey, fuck Randy, fuck Cory and Trevor. Fuck me, fuck you, fuck this court, fuck it all. There, got that out of my system. 100 and forfty thousand interwubs points to whomever can identify the source of that rant. That being can all still suck it, zombies rule, regardless of source or setting.
  • Comment on Antarctic Iceberg (2009-04-04 23:18:20)
    I've been there a few times and am still here to tell the tale. You seem like a hardy creature my dear, I'm sure you'd do well. There's nothing like standing at the bottom of the world less than a mile from an active volcano whilst booting penguins away from your aircraft. BTW, how have you been? I've not had much time to interact here and miss it and all of you and your insanity.
  • Comment on Rolling Stones, Prince, Blue Man Group backstage passes. (2009-04-03 19:54:51)
    @storminator. Normally I have no beef with you but on this one...well, you're being a dicklock. BTW, where do you think rock evolved from? Blues and Jazz. If you're going to talk all this smack about music, you might want to consider learning some history about the subject. Otherwise you just come across as an arrogant, ignorant, bleeding hippo vag. Aside from that, your personal experiences in the industry sound pretty cool. Hope you are able to continue them as long as possible.
  • Comment on Future might be like this (2009-04-03 19:38:26)
    Obviously, those of you in favor of this haven't thought all the way through the concept of a flying car or you'd all realize just what a dangerous and stupid idea a flying car really is. Machines break. Machines fall out of sky. Hope you aren't under them when it happens.
  • Comment on Zoetica (2009-03-14 02:15:36)
    Looks like yet another emo attention whore to me.
  • Comment on Racist restaurants (2009-03-14 02:11:43)
    @the3g_ipwn, 2 things: 1)Learn to fucking spell. 2)Jesus tap dancing Christ quit sounding off like the little KKK sheet-wearing-to-hide-the-dress, phony interwubs billy badass wannabe. It's small, petty and makes you look like an inbred fuckstick at best. If you are trolling, it's a cheap, shitty, goatfucking job of it and needs to stop. I'm putting you on notice. Enough is enough. Quit or I'll hound your ignorant, hillbilly, sister fucking ass day and nite till you abandon this site in rightously earned shame you grotty little vaginal wart you.
  • Comment on Ackbar Vs Barack (2009-03-14 02:00:53)
    Holy shit, the3g_ipwn, are you fucking serious? Beck and O'Riley are actual journalists? They are, at BEST, fucking talking heads that parrot what their puppetmasters tell them to say. Comparing them to Jon Stewart is like comparing apples to a wet vac. You are trolling or at least i HOPE you are trolling. Either way you are an asshole or the most ignorant dogfucker since kidrythm. Damn. Damn, damn, damn. Shit, fuck, dammit. Retard.
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