ftc08 (18334)
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Registered 2010-04-03 18:14:37

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Recent Comments from ftc08

  • Comment on what are YOU doing on new years? (2011-01-01 04:29:45)
    See, I'm never sure if you're a master troll or a severely autistic meth head, then you post something like this and it's all clear.
  • Comment on thermal paste (2010-12-27 01:21:12)
    Nice shitty fake-ass-wood desk.
  • Comment on 2012 Boss (2010-12-27 01:17:19)
    Mustangs are cars for people who don't know jack shit about cars. A goddamn Audi S4 could smoke that thing.
  • Comment on 16 Below 0 (2010-12-15 00:04:25)
    The day before it collapsed we were talking about the dome in class, joking that it'll go down. The day after I drove down 35W (the highway in the picture, about 100 meters before the bridge that also... collapsed...) Fun Facts: This is the second time it's collapsed No, not everything in Minneapolis collapses. That blue penis sticking up in the air is a theater. You can clearly see our alien docking port.
  • Comment on Frozen Britain (2010-12-09 00:18:31)
    Hey guys, it's 5 degrees Fahrenheit in Minnesota right now, with a foot and a half of snow on the ground. All ya'll pussies.
  • Comment on thug money (2010-12-04 21:39:03)
    This honestly has to be the lamest, most pathetic thing I have seen you post. Which is saying a lot, considering NOBODY LIKES YOU
  • Comment on VOTE (2010-11-21 02:55:06)
    Weird that places that are specifically designed to get lower class people to vote are a threat to America because they give power to the wealthy. Then again, Acorn doesn't exist anymore thanks to lying right wing nutcases.
  • Comment on What I want my jimmy to look like (2010-11-11 20:56:18)
    The bigger the truck, the smaller the dick.
  • Comment on Blind Person Watch (2010-10-31 22:02:30)
    I'd totally wear that as a fully sighted (when I have my glasses on, otherwise I can't read the E on the top of the chart) member of society.
  • Comment on More pics of da jimmy grill (2010-10-22 11:57:07)
    MCS, if you want to get rid of this narcissistic douchebag, stop commenting on his stuff other than calling him a narcissistic douchebag. The narcissistic douchebag is only posting here because he knows he'll get a response, so the narcissistic douchebag continues to even though he knows his narcissistic douchebaggery pisses us off.
  • Comment on Jesus Saves (2010-09-30 20:12:06)
    all the money he makes at his gardening job. He's trying to save up for Citizenship classes.
  • Comment on sexy time (2010-09-25 22:48:22)
    Look at his right shoulder. There's sort of a weird gap between what would be a very wide collar bone, and 'his' muscles. Also his hands are the size of his head. I've seen pixels like this before. I called shopped.
  • Comment on Killer (my dog) eating from my hand (2010-09-11 15:29:29)
    Your dog looks like she has doggie Down's Syndrome.
  • Comment on Free drinks from 49er training camp today (2010-09-11 15:27:37)
    I'm not sure if you're a master troll who knows that posting lame shit like you always do pisses us off, or if you're a pathetic narcissist who actually thinks you need to grace us with your presence. Either way... IT'S FUCKING SODA. 17 cans/bottles of high fructose corn syrup impregnated water is nothing to be impressed by. Get the fuck out you fat, ugly, boring, poor, disgusting fuckwad.
  • Comment on Casebike (2010-08-28 18:42:17)
    The guy is such a narcissistic douchemuzzle he would fuck himself. This picture looks about right.
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