FlyingMantisShrimp (1114)
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Registered 2007-09-04 03:01:17

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Recent Comments from FlyingMantisShrimp

  • Comment on God or Not-God (2008-10-19 22:28:29)
    First of all, if we're arguing about an omnipotent being, who are we to claim to understand why he would/wouldn't do anything in accordance with what we know and understand? Doesn't it make sense that if such a being does exist, then his method of thinking and understanding would obviously far surpass our own in every way? You all seem to be confining your arguments to a very human understanding of things, which wouldn't apply to a being such as this.
  • Comment on Smexy AK-47 (2008-10-19 18:11:27)
    The people that find this sexy probably masturbate to movies like Deliverance.
  • Comment on God or Not-God (2008-10-19 16:26:18)
    @Crystalkestrel: @Crystalkestrel: That has to be one of the most stupid, convoluted things I have ever read.
  • Comment on New US Army Weapon XM-25 (2008-10-18 18:54:47) There's a more useful link that doesn't have to rely on references to Sylvester Stallone movies. A really awesome, promising weapon if it really performs as advertised....but yeah, it looks pretty weird. Doesn't help that this picture has it in ACU print, which means it's only going to blend in with other things in ACU print(except for that one couch).
  • Comment on McCain Needs Brains! (2008-10-16 17:53:23)
    Too bad he won't find any at a political event. HARDEE HAR HAR
  • Comment on Pin Up girls (2008-10-14 13:03:03)
    I can't seem to find the site, but I remember that somebody went and took some of those WW2 era pin-ups and recreated them with actual models.
  • Comment on Lincoln in the dark (2008-10-13 22:44:44)
  • Comment on US Marine Under Fire, Afghanistan (2008-10-12 16:07:45)
    I didn't even realize I had done that, haha. Caio should be along any minute now to troll.
  • Comment on Silenced Girl (2008-10-12 14:04:38)
    Good effort, storminator. It was a good effort.
  • Comment on US Marine Under Fire, Afghanistan (2008-10-12 14:00:48)
    @FlyingMantisShrimp: As for the "non-reg" stuff, I believe that shirt is reg. Looks like it's just a normal, dark green undershirt that's been sweated in and beat up for a little while. The boots looks normal, just quite a bit dirty and beat up(no surprise). When a unit is out on patrol or "in the mess," so to speak, they can sometimes afford to play fast and loose with the regs. That is, sometimes commanders will allow their troops to maybe unblouse their pants legs, maybe roll their sleeves up a bit, etc. That being said, though, there are MANY units out there more concerned with how their guys and girls look than how comfortable they are doing the job.
  • Comment on Wall Guy (2008-10-12 13:51:04)
    I'm reminded of that creepy guy in a suit from Half Life.
  • Comment on US Marine Under Fire, Afghanistan (2008-10-12 13:48:48)
    If I remember correctly, the story here is that these Marines in Afghanistan were having some down time after a mission or something at their outpost when they were attacked. Looks like they got a little complacent. Complete set of photos here:
  • Comment on Motorcycle Riders x3 (2008-10-11 23:34:52)
    Who needs coordinates? They're black.
  • Comment on Motorcycle Riders x3 (2008-10-11 23:24:42)
    They probably are.
  • Comment on Motorcycle Riders x3 (2008-10-11 23:07:16)
    To clarify, a BRAND NEW Mercedes. That they bought.
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