flood123 (4029)
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Guitar nerd, Sr. Full Stack Software Engineer, Drinker of Whiskey

Registered 2008-07-03 23:54:27

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Recent Comments from flood123

  • Comment on lynn collins - john carter wallpaper (2014-02-11 18:26:07)
    Agreed. I liked it too. It was WAY better than given credit for. I believe Disney is doubling down for a sequel regardless of their $200 million loss on the first.
  • Comment on Sister site content (2014-02-07 18:07:37)
    Yes, totally MCS.
  • Comment on Sister site content (2014-02-07 17:37:23)
    You are probably aware of this and there is likely nothing that can be done about it on your end. I am going to research on my end. If I can find a solution I will be sure to post my findings.
  • Comment on Sister site content (2014-02-07 17:27:08)
    Let me preface this with I understand that the site has got to make money. This is meant to be constructive. Now that I have said that, I think that the ad company that you are using is obnoxious with their redirecting script directing to the Candy Crush (sometimes another equally obnoxious app ad) app in the App Store. Most of the time I am viewing this site is on a mobile device and these redirects SUPER OFTEN. It takes you out of the browser and web viewing experience. It absolutely detracts from your site.
  • Comment on vtol palne (2014-01-24 19:05:12)
    The rear jets look to be angled downward. Also behind and under the cockpit of the aircraft there looks to be flaps where vents have opened up along with extra vents (aside from where the landing gear would retract) that have opened on the bottom.
  • Comment on Frank Zappa by R. Crumb (2014-01-14 17:36:13)
    Zappa rules. Here is a video of him playing a bike as a musical instrument on the Steve Allen show. http://youtu.be/y9P2V0_p6vE
  • Comment on Phil Robertson for President! (2014-01-12 08:01:38)
    I must be a moron for not believing in something there is no evidence to support. You know according to your good book it's not super Christ like to sit in judgement of others. The crusades were a super nonviolent and moral period of time. I guess that's because the crusades were fought in the name of God. Wars fought in the name of religion have plagued civilization since the people in power started using religion to menipate the population. You know I would hope that civilizations would have progressed a little since the dark ages. At least enough to be able to find morality on their own without the threat of eternal damnation. When people are willing to fight over religion and sit in judgement of others we will never advance as a people. Organized religion is an supremely corrupt thing. It has historically been used to control and enslave. I have a loving family and a group of amazing people I am privileged to call friends. I do not lie, cheat, or steal. I don't judge others for the way they live their own lives as long is they are not hurting themselves or others. I don't do it because a book tells me it's the right thing to do, but because deep down I know it's right and helps make the world a better place to live for me and others. I don't not believe there is a god. I wish I could just believe blindly. It would be comforting. I do envy it in fact. I just wish I could have an experience that would definitively prove it to me. That's all. The bible has a lot of wonderful teachings. It's a same most Christians have such a hard time living in accordance with a lot of it's teachings. Instead the pick and choose what is convenient for them.
  • Comment on photography (2014-01-10 18:24:44)
    Some of these shots are so Bladerunner. I love it
  • Comment on Phil Robertson for President! (2014-01-10 17:16:03)
    The day everyone stops believing in this nonsensical bullshit the better off we will all be. Heres something interesting for all the zealots in the house. http://listverse.com/2009/04/13/10-christ-like-figures-who-pre-date-jesus/ Get angry with me if you like, but I am not the one that lied to you.
  • Comment on Phil Robertson for President! (2014-01-10 05:41:47)
    Oops typos, but you get the point.
  • Comment on Phil Robertson for President! (2014-01-10 05:26:38)
    The bible is bullshit anyway who cares gives a shit what it says about homosexuality.
  • Comment on STRETCH (2014-01-04 05:01:19)
    Oh my.
  • Comment on Selma (2013-12-27 01:20:12)
    Salma is ridiculously attractive.
  • Comment on My New Ride (2013-12-24 17:53:45)
    Nice. Beautiful.
  • Comment on heterochromie (2013-12-20 19:06:13)
    I used to date a girl with eyes like this. Though the girl I dated was quite pixyish Very very cute.
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