flagrantfowl (18745)
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Recent Comments from flagrantfowl
- Comment on Mr. Plow part 2 (2011-02-07 00:48:54)
Sorry. - Comment on Mr. Plow part 2 (2011-02-07 00:29:36)
There is a brine tank on there, its right behind the ladder and holds 400 gallons on each side. We only pretreat if we know that there is going to be unusual freezing temperatures. - Comment on Mr. Plow part 2 (2011-02-07 00:27:41)
First of all. Fuck you. You're casemods. Enough said. Second, its with my cam phone. It may be a bad digital picture, but its 10000000000 times more entertaining and meaningful than one of your lame ass posts. Third, The vibration of the road caused a bolt to shear. A new chip seal job will do that, because of all the raised chips. They stole the hydraulic ram, the ram bar, and the bolts off the blades. I get paid $18.41 an hour. Its not a lot, but the benefits are amazing and I'll be retired in 25 years with a nice pension. - Comment on Stack of rocks (2011-02-03 00:19:02)
No, the roads are open every day of the year (unless we have a slide that shuts it down, which happens every once in awhile). When the floods hit last year, every one of my coworkers were assigned a road construction project. When assigned, we oversee road improvements; from a new bridge spanning the Colorado to a six day lane leveling job. Its important that we are there for Quality Assurance, so the road is built to spec. If you're not out there, they try to get away with everything they can. So we had minimal time to get the road cleared, before we were needed back on our projects. We basically cleared the road, set a ditch-grade to flow water to the culvert, and left. Once my boss had an entire crew (which was two weeks ago), we went back up there to reshape the slope and clean up the "eyesore" mess. We used the material brought down from the flood to build shoulders up on the "narrows", which was in my other post about snow plowing. It's kinda the gift that keeps on giving, Material is expensive but we always end up with a bunch after a good flood up there. And that material is free, because its on our road. Wee! - Comment on Stack of rocks (2011-02-03 00:11:18)
A lot of the time, its to mark trails. Most of the time, its because people get bored and stack them. In my area, people sometimes put a piece of paper at the bottom saying who stacked them up and what date they did it on. On the Ute/Navajo rez which is south of us, they stack rocks up in honor of someone who passed away. You see hundreds of them on the road between Aneth and White Mesa and Whitehorse. BTW, I live in Moab. - Comment on Stack of rocks (2011-02-02 20:14:14)
Highway construction and maintenance. At this particular job, we were cleaning up a flash flood from last summer. We reshape the berms and everything once a year, because the floods that come through are horrendous. - Comment on Stack of rocks (2011-02-02 19:21:59)
Haha. We drive about 10 miles to a rest area. This spot is roughly 32 miles from the shed. - Comment on Mr. Plow (2011-02-02 13:56:58)
First thing I'll do is pile snow in front of the cops houses so they can't get out. Secondly, I'll rob banks. Thirdly ????? Fourth...Profit. Muahahahahahahahahha! - Comment on hand phone (2011-01-31 00:21:06)
Please kick my ass if you ever see me with one of these. - Comment on critical post shortage (2011-01-29 21:59:05)
I just submitted a bunch of stuff. Weee! - Comment on 2011 is shitty so far, how's your year? (2011-01-04 20:17:11)
If this happens, I will for sure become a MCS+ member. - Comment on is my new hat M[C]S? (2010-12-30 02:51:38)
Wow. You have a lower number! You lucky son of a gun! I can't believe it! A lower number than us! You must be a pioneer of the internet! OMG! Autograph please. Seriously though, if that's the highpoint of your day (or existence) then no amount of discount clothing, cheap car parts, or rigged cock shots will ever make you feel like you belong. I feel bad for you. Oh well. As long as you're happy right? - Comment on is my new hat M[C]S? (2010-12-30 02:35:06)
He is the sole reason why I do not donate to Tiki. I would never invest a single penny towards something that would help this narcissistic prick put himself out there. - Comment on casedad on my new bike (2010-12-29 17:34:17)
Trying to get in on the popular Casedads meme? Fuck you, you aren't cool enough. - Comment on I don't remember what bathroom this is (2010-11-29 18:04:32)
*Begins slow clap*