I don't think I made myself entirely clear. If you dress in slutty clothing and hang out in a bad area where you're likely to be raped you're A grade fucking retarded, but that still doesn't shift any blame from the rapist to the victim. The rally was in response to a senior Toronto police officer recommending women avoid wearing slutty clothing as this makes them greater targets for rape, which is common sense and something I agree with. I didn't know that when I made my first comment, I just assumed that was in response to the many people (mostly religious extremists) who DO place the blame on women for being raped because they wore immodest clothing, which often by their definition is anything that doesn't cover all skin. Probably should have done some research first but it's a topic that makes me real fucking angry.
Loki (3707)
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Recent Comments from Loki
- Comment on More Slutwalk Toronto (2011-05-09 13:35:26)
I don't think I made myself entirely clear. If you dress in slutty clothing and hang out in a bad area where you're likely to be raped you're A grade fucking retarded, but that still doesn't shift any blame from the rapist to the victim. The rally was in response to a senior Toronto police officer recommending women avoid wearing slutty clothing as this makes them greater targets for rape, which is common sense and something I agree with. I didn't know that when I made my first comment, I just assumed that was in response to the many people (mostly religious extremists) who DO place the blame on women for being raped because they wore immodest clothing, which often by their definition is anything that doesn't cover all skin. Probably should have done some research first but it's a topic that makes me real fucking angry. - Comment on More Slutwalk Toronto (2011-05-09 13:07:03)
But... that's... never mind... - Comment on More Slutwalk Toronto (2011-05-09 12:56:57)
But that's not what it's about at all, none of those women would dress like a slut and walk through a bad neighborhood because they're not fucking delusional. The point they're trying to make is that victims of assault, sexual or otherwise, should never blamed. - Comment on More Slutwalk Toronto (2011-05-09 12:43:50)
The point of this event was to call out people who say women are partly or completely to blame for getting raped because of what they wear. Any person should be able to go where ever they please wearing whatever they please without fear of sexual assault, just as you should be able to walk down the street with money paper clipped to your jacket. Just because you made it more tempting for someone to rob you does not mean you share blame for the crime. If I'm sexually attracted to dudes in glasses does that make it your fault if I rape you? - Comment on More Slutwalk Toronto (2011-05-09 11:47:59)
You managed to completely miss the point and expose yourself as an ignorant asshole in one go, congratulations. - Comment on The First Image From The Avengers Movie Set (2011-05-01 10:32:21)
Fuck you! - Comment on 500mph plane causes vortex (2011-04-29 11:43:16)
I am so fucking gay for this shit. - Comment on female operator (2011-04-05 04:19:21)
I'd double tap that. - Comment on colorblind (2010-08-03 21:16:52)
We love you to. - Comment on 1 Pound Deer (2010-07-26 20:00:20)
Will it blend? - Comment on I didn't go to work today (2010-07-21 01:55:07)
Agreed, the concept of quitting your job and living free is nice and all but I'd rather work 40 hours a week and come home to a warm secure house full of food, booze and toys. - Comment on Light Painting (2010-07-05 00:14:32)
Go in drains! - Comment on You suck at parking (2010-07-01 18:15:50)
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_qpMIn5BbrIk/TC0hjuft6XI/AAAAAAAAIYU/J_qrggtrgTA/s800/parking.jpg - Comment on You suck at parking (2010-07-01 18:12:59)
(In an image format of course) - Comment on You suck at parking (2010-07-01 18:12:08)
I've got this in a cleaner .pdf format, anyone want me to post it up?