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Registered 2008-06-18 17:32:40

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Recent Comments from EVIL ILLUMINATI

  • Comment on Master Who (2008-07-26 11:09:22)
    let me just cut and paste my photo on this, and put few coupons in my wallet.
  • Comment on Omaha Storm (2008-07-26 11:07:14)
    I thought my Mom took these photos, but she didn't, I just got confused in the email she sent me. These storms caused many tragedies throughout the Mid-West and the families should be in our thoughts and prayers. HARRP is a military technology derived from Wilhelm Reich's work in orgone energy. Chemtrails it's dispersed antenna. I've seen real Chemtrails, they've been hiding them lately above the cloud cover. You can see them sometimes during a flight. HARRP is a weapon, and they will use it to fake the Global Warming Agenda.
  • Comment on Mount Rundle (2008-07-25 14:15:44)
  • Comment on Unknown Mushroom (2008-07-25 14:10:33)
    How many ninja gnomes can you find?
  • Comment on Internet Guy! (2008-07-25 11:31:12)
    that's not broccoli, it's his date, "say hi to Internet Guy's lady friend"
  • Comment on Internet Guy! (2008-07-25 09:34:59)
    more buffz
  • Comment on Sony Dualshock 3 (2008-07-25 09:33:15)
    PC too much money XBOX is great Halo is the best @ token2k6 "And yes, I am white enough and rich enough to own all three current gen consoles with over 100 games total for all three. I also own a vagina that I get to fuck anytime I want. And vagina pwn’s everything else…" That is racist and sexist. White's are probably the poorest people since they all live off fiat currency. Whenever the rest of the world decides they will just stop giving white people allowance. No one owns anything, the earth owns us, so you're probably not an entitled property owner on your wife's/girlfriend's vagina. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese buy your wifes vagina during the mortage recession. You won't have anything then, no more fiat money to play games all day, no more home to store your "vagina", and no one in your life. All you've left is being "white" and now you're pwned.
  • Comment on Internet Guy! (2008-07-25 08:51:17)
    i needz more mana
  • Comment on Marilyn Manson rides the short bus. (2008-07-25 08:47:24)
    goth kids look like trolls
  • Comment on Crayon Sculptures (2008-07-24 22:38:27)
    i think the pencil sharpener was malfunctioning
  • Comment on Big Ass Truck (2008-07-24 16:29:33)
    this truck needs a cab for the bed so it looks like a limousine thx Caio
  • Comment on Big Ass Truck (2008-07-24 16:27:10)
    people can grow all their own food in the city, they just don't and it's a shame. Greenhouses are a super easy solution. A hydroponic greenhouse is better and an aero-ponic greenhouse would be the best. Cities probably came before suburbs, suburbs are sort of recent from industrialization. The ability to mass produce things and shopping malls which came from the escalator & air conditioning. Burbs are way too spread out. Le Corbusier, one of the best Architects, had a great preference for social habitation which was called "Towers in the Park", which would be super concentrated cities spread apart between nature. I prefer anarchy as a system anyways so who am I to complain, just a cognitive dissonance.
  • Comment on Blood Puddle Pillow (2008-07-24 14:10:41)
    i see three keyboards, He's using a macs!, plural
  • Comment on Big Ass Truck (2008-07-24 13:45:55)
    @>) hvymetal86 Every city has an area of higher violence but most of the city is usually very friendly and quite enjoyable. I moved 18 times around the east coast from top to bottom & washington state; all semi-city suburbs type places. Then I moved to NYC and have really enjoyed myself for the 8 years I've been here. There's seriously more happening in a place like NYC or L.A. than you could find anywhere else in America. I bet the same is true in every country, there's just way more art in cities.
  • Comment on Mama Moose and Baby (2008-07-24 13:39:19)
    my mom told me they can be aggresive and dangerous
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