Living over here, Iceland has not defaulted on any debts. In fact the opposite is true. If anyone is to blame in all this it's the English government, namely Cameron. This has been well investigated and long past established that it was the English that once the funds had been repaid in full with high interest, it was the government that fucked over it's own citizenry. This could be the very reason, the English people more than the government/Cameron would like to pull out from the EU. Cameron knows that as long as he has the EU to fall back on, he has a guarantee of blaming someone. Sorry mate, but there isn't a well-informed Englishman that believes they lost their pension funds due to the Icelandic debt defaulting on their promises.
EuroUSA (9240)
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- Comment on how america can get back to winning (2013-01-29 15:51:25)
Living over here, Iceland has not defaulted on any debts. In fact the opposite is true. If anyone is to blame in all this it's the English government, namely Cameron. This has been well investigated and long past established that it was the English that once the funds had been repaid in full with high interest, it was the government that fucked over it's own citizenry. This could be the very reason, the English people more than the government/Cameron would like to pull out from the EU. Cameron knows that as long as he has the EU to fall back on, he has a guarantee of blaming someone. Sorry mate, but there isn't a well-informed Englishman that believes they lost their pension funds due to the Icelandic debt defaulting on their promises. - Comment on This is only a test (2013-01-19 00:40:08)
This would often happen during the 50's when too many families ate "Sugar Bombs" for breakfast in Iowa. (note the cereal box) - Comment on Make mass murder boring (2013-01-14 13:41:33)
Let me see, well we've had the same problem here in Europe. We've also had some really big huge gruesome massacres and according to this lame advise we do what we're not supposed to do... we have the: sirens blaring photographs of the killer coverage 24-7 body counts and an anti-hero killer make it a non-boring and a big sensational news stories But after one of these massacres happens here - our parliaments and assemblies get together to pass laws and make it tougher for any other future fuck-alls to get a hold of the same kind of firearms to do another repeat performance within one or two weeks. Hey Dr. Dietz, I guess we're fucking your lame thesis all up and doing it wrong! - Comment on 'merica, you need more guns (2013-01-13 01:00:03)
"Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are women you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place? There's such balance in nature." -- George Carlin - Comment on 'merica, you need more guns (2013-01-13 00:58:16)
I'm for aborting more children that can't be a bigot/redneck correctly. What's worse? The "niglet" or the retard that can't spell it. Personally, I'm for aborting more of the latter. - Comment on 'merica, you need more guns (2013-01-13 00:53:45)
So is Polio, Cystic Fibrosis, Leukemia, Rubella, Cancer, Mono, Polio, Bronchiolitis, Meningitis, etc. - Comment on Molon Labe (2013-01-06 01:19:42)
Gee, imagine how far we've progressed... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - Comment on Pistol classifications (2013-01-02 12:57:07)
Oh shit, you're just another fucking tragedy waiting to happen. (What state/area do you live in? ...and most importantly: are you keeping up with your meds?) - Comment on Pistol classifications (2013-01-02 12:51:02)
We'll see if we can dig up a naked picture of Laura Bush or Ann Coulter with an assault weapon for you. There are plenty of other websites out there with naked women... are you sure you want to be here? - Comment on Pistol classifications (2013-01-02 12:34:02)
Where do you live? Uganda? The Congo? ... or are you going around shooting pit-bulls on 18th street? - Comment on Pistol classifications (2013-01-02 12:26:19)
You're right we will disagree on one main factor in this equation. Here in Scandinavia when we have a mass killing or deaths by guns/firearms (such as our infamous Norway madman) - our Parliaments & Assemblies do one thing different - they call emergency sessions that tighten the laws/rules to removing more firearms off the streets. We aren't immune to having all the same problems with poverty, hard line narcotics, alcohol, mental illness, minorities, etc. - but we don't have people finding guns to relieve the anger and frustration. I've lived under both conditions and seen it from both sides and I truly believe today that when you remove the firearms, your citizens have a better chance of survival and harmony. Believe me, 20 yrs ago I never would have been on this side of this argument. - Comment on Pistol classifications (2013-01-02 02:53:00)
That's just pure dishabille bullshit. A beguiled argument that when weighed out amounts to just the same disingenuous tin god defence. I'm a Marine vet, pro-gun and raised around guns all my life; took quiet a few "bad" people out and I have problems dealing with that today... that's another story. I never slept on a bed until I went into the military for fear a stray bullet finding me; sleeping each night to sound of gun-fire; my sister and I walked past bodies on our way to school, yeah - that's the America I went to go fight for. Today, I live abroad, a very gun-free country (18 deaths by guns in 2012, majority were hunting accidents). I reside in a very diverse multi-ethnic and cultured neighbourhood; at the beginning I fought and kicked like any true blood American would against this gun-free shit. After 20 yrs of not even having locks on the doors - I can unequivocally say - it's the fucking guns. There isn't a country anywhere especially here in Europe that isn't dealing with mental-illness or poverty, if they don't have guns - they find something else. It's not the violent games or films - our kids here watch just as much or more (long winters). No other western industrialised nation is dealing with the U.S.'s mass blood-baths every 2 weeks, 10,000+ dead and 20,000+ wounded and maimed per year. Millions of Mexicans are dying on the streets down there - Oh, fuck! Let's ignore the elephant in that room! Yeah, let's ignore that hard-reports showing that 94% of their firearms in this Mexican stand-off are imported from the U.S. (Yeah, those "demonised" Mexicans really love playing those violent Xbox games and they seem to have a really major problem with their mentally ill.) Make any dissembled excuse you need to from out of your ass but it's not some great mysterious feigned enigma - bottom line: it's the firearms/guns. - Comment on gun control laws (2013-01-02 02:13:47)
Yeah, I'm sure you're a real expert about what a "socialist" country is. I've lived in a socialist country for the last 20+ yrs and I can unequivocally tell you that if America is becoming a socialist state than you must also believe in unicorns that shit pots of gold. Where do you get this crap from? I'm being dead-serious - I would really like to know. Every time I hear a fellow American say this about this President... my socialist friends here have a laugh. - Comment on who increased the debt (2012-12-26 12:12:08)
Here's the ENTIRELY different picture - you got wrong. Bush had a Republican Congress of both houses for the 6 out of 8 years in office. Tom Delay (TX) was the Speaker/Majority leader for Bush's stay in office. No matter what the congress passes, it still comes down to the President signing them or vetoing them. The President always has the last word. Let's not kid ourselves here, the Democratic congress did not turn this upside down in just a mere two years. I'm no fucking friend of Obama, but your analysis is just pure fantasy - What are you claiming? That somehow Obama walked into office and this pile of shit just fell onto his desk like magic. Really? Obama spent much of that very early on cleaning up huge fucking mess by the previous imbecile. Paying off unpaid bills, saving the auto-industry, military budget, housing industry, repairing our foreign policies abroad and putting the two wars onto HIS own books (Bush refused to acknowledge these two wars onto his own budget). Bush walked into office with one of the largest budget surpluses in history (Clinton's) and wiped it in the first 7 months and then went on to borrow trillions from China to pay for his two wars. It is common knowledge that when the Democrats took over congress for Bush's last two years. Bush became a lame duck and the mad spending came to a screeching halt and thing's began to reverse - the Democratic congress sent no increased budget bills to the White House to be signed in those last two years. (btw -I don't even live in your country - but even a first year poli-sci student abroad knows this shit - get out from in front of Fox Views, they're polluting your mind) - Comment on who increased the debt (2012-12-26 11:46:31)
Source: Treasury Department. google it - I just did, seems to be the truth. Even as I admit coming from a Republican die-hard family... we can't get away from the fact that when it came to the budget and economics of this country, we Republicans have been like fucking drunkin' sailors.