The plague of casemods is almost as old as MCS itself. Welcome aboard.
Drunkin (4102)
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Recent Comments from Drunkin
- Comment on Which way should I wear my $80 calvin kline sweater and $36 colored button down shirt? (2010-03-25 15:48:53)
The plague of casemods is almost as old as MCS itself. Welcome aboard. - Comment on 'True Blood' season 3 teaser poster (2010-03-25 15:34:45)
13 more weeks. Can't wait. SOOOOOOOKIE! - Comment on Which way should I wear my $80 calvin kline sweater and $36 colored button down shirt? (2010-03-25 14:21:29)
Does tiki pay you to do shit like this? All your posts seem to achieve 20+ comments... - Comment on Emma crying (2010-03-23 16:21:02)
Casemods busted into the room with his pants off again. - Comment on The Boy From Hawaii (2010-02-12 19:07:16)
Tiki>Lotus Hence.. The picture lacks meaning when it comes from you. - Comment on hot right wing protestors (2010-01-10 18:05:46)
I don't know if I like this. I see the A&M book store in the background... - Comment on Nuclear Reactor Cooling Towers. (2009-12-15 14:09:47)
Coal plants and other processes use the parabolic cooling tower design. There are nuke plants that choose to use other means as an ultimate heatsink because of the reason that so many people associate this design with nuclear power. And we all know nuclear power = bad. Nevertheless this is a cool back round. - Comment on NCAA Midnight Release? (2009-07-13 16:13:50)
The best Buy in Webster is doing it too. So is the Best Buy in New Orleans. This game does not warrent a midnight release. SC2 and D3...I'd probably drop vacation just to play those until my eyes bleed... - Comment on The Official George W. Bush Presidential Librarium (2009-07-09 20:21:12)
This would be cool, accurate, and funny if they left the shit out about New Orleans. The place is a fucking swamp. I drive through it every day, and get this....Hurricanes are a fact of life living on the Gulf coast. - Comment on Obama-man (2009-07-04 06:54:51)
Yeah sorry I was getting side tracked at work from this which is more important. Yes, nuclear has a lot of "waste" to deal with but or Nuclear friends in France have been dealing with that issue for over 3 decades with recycling plants. Our friends to the North (canadia) have been building what they call heavy water plants or fast fission reactors which can make use of the Pu 239 and U 238 isotopes that are either produced or already in the fuel meat of conventional nuclear power plants. The recycled fuel can be reused. What we considered "spent fuel" really isn't. It's just so far down the cahin that we can not create enough reactivity in the core to sustain a critical reactor. But there is plenty of U 235 left that can be recycled, processed and used in new fuel. The byproducts and natural U 235 can be used in heavy water reactors. I forget the waste reduction in this process but it is quite significant. A recycling system with several new nuclear plants can help bridge the gap because I really truely belive that scientists are close to a sustained fussion reaction. By close I mean within the next 100 years. The grid is a pretty much a disaster as it stands. A lot of waste is involved in just transmission. Power plants get paid for the energy that hits the grid not that is transmitted. Although High voltage power lines cut this down significantly a lot of power is wasted on the user end through worn, faulty, and/or outdated equipment. I read a lot into the idea of "clean coal" and carbon capture. There are a lot of awesome ideas for algea farms related to coal plants emmissions. The algea can be turned into bio diesel and other products used in medical and other bio based sciences. Clean coal just means that you won't die if you live near one. It still pumps out tons of CO2 per hour. I forget which university is working on the algea idea but if they get some incentives and help with funding it could be a realistic solution for the short-term. - Comment on Obama-man (2009-07-03 23:12:27)
Wait what!? You can't be serious, a juvenile rant? Far from it. The fuels we are using expensive?? That depends what kind of fuel you are talking about. For example Gas turbine plants cost roughly $60 per MW/h Coal is closer to $14-30 MW/h and nuclear is around $22-28 MW/h Gas is freggin expensive but coal and nuclear are far from it. Coal jsut has sulfer dioxides, NOx, CO, and CO2 to worry about. I don't mind discussing things with people who can have a discussion about this but I am not jumping on the band wagon that DieA has a clue. Because she doesn't. Very good at twisting words and coming up with alternate meanings. Way to go DieA, I do hope you become a lawyer soon! I'm not being sarcastic. - Comment on Obama-man (2009-07-03 20:23:15)
I don't want to come off as respectful and if you can't take what I have to say use your two little eyes and your hand eye coordination skills and click over and read something else. No I wasn't so pissed off when bush was president. He has a Democratic run house and senate towrds the end making him unable to change and fuck up even more shit. This asshole has free reign for another fucking year and a half. And you are right, we can't change anything. The more these assholes do the more rights that get taken away, almost to the point if you disagree with the government you are considered a domestic terrorist. I guess I am a domestic terrorist then. - Comment on Obama-man (2009-07-03 20:17:05)
YOU: "Sounds like a little home team bias." ME:"This bill is going to put even more millions in to my companies hands (which I am not happy about) by them being able to sell and trade these carbon credits to dirtier industry at yours, mine, everyones expense." I guess you didnt read that part. "with recent developments in solar, wind, bacteria-as-fuel power-and including hydroelectric and geothermal where applicable-it IS possible to run a grid " I worked for yet another power company, Calpine, who uses the gysers in California as their poster boy for "clean, green energy" in the form of geothermal. With it being the largest geothermal plant in north america it can barely put a GW on the grid. You claim these new developments can power the grid? Where are you getting your info?? Do you even understand the modern electrical grid? It's not the garage born science project of turning a hand crank to illuminate a light bulb here. The current US grid needs large baseload plants with what they call peakers to power the grid. That means the large (there is no such thing as clean coal) coal steam electric generating plants and nuclear are the only current way to bridge the gap. And your boy Obama spent trillions on bailing out (or buying out) companies and that money could have been used to improve and start the transition towards a smarter grid. You completely mis-understood what I meant by me working in this industry. I pretty much read about it every day I am at work and what the company is doing about it. I know that they are going to make millions of dollars off of this cap and trade bullshit at the expense of the public is what I am saying. - Comment on Obama-man (2009-07-03 16:48:37)
Fuck it. Time to nail Obama to a cross and place pitchers of water around his feet. The coming of the age of aquarius is near. Not only does half the united states think this guy is the countries saviour, some people seem to catapault him to jesus christo status. Step one: spend money we know we don't have. Step two: Pass the cap and trade bill. I don't know about you guys but being an employee of one of the countries largest nuclear power generation utility I know what this shit will do. I've been hearing about it for 3 years now and it finally passed. It sounds great on paper and may finally put us on par with europe and the rest of the civilized world (not india or china) as far as carbon emmissions but at the cost of middle-classed Americans well being. The left-wing fucktards think they can power a grid off of wind and solar 24/7 need to go back and crunch some numbers. This bill is going to put even more millions in to my companies hands (which I am not happy about) by them being able to sell and trade these carbon credits to dirtier industry at yours, mine, everyones expense. The expense will get passed on to the consumer as more power companies find ways to de-regulate their power plants with-oout violating their regulatory contrracts. There is no real solution on the table to fix the oncoming energy deficit, and the people of this country want to call this piece of shit their savior. You would have to put up 600 wind turbines and prey that we have a steady wind year round to put the power of one nuclear power plant on the grid. Most bring up the point that there was two evils to choose from which is half true. Mccain is not a wise choice but neither is your superman. I don't know about you but there was someone else on my ticket, but most forgot about him in favor of the second coming. - Comment on Where did his face go? (2009-07-03 06:46:38)
do want