Dr.Devine (4826)
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I have a Ph.d in Counseling Psychology, and am working on a degree in Political Science in my free time. I don't like to characterize my beliefs with the same general words everyone else does (i.e. atheist, liberal, republican, whatever), but if I disagree with something you post, I will flip you on your ass while asserting my countering opinion. I was an avid high school debater (I still judge every weekend throughout the winter), so I most likely will use seemingly random/inapplicable terms in structuring my arguments. If you need clarification, call me on it and I'll post a link to a definition. Mostly, I'm here because my current job is much too easy for me. As a result, I get bored easily. The average therapy patient has nothing tangibly wrong with them, that is, nothing wrong with them they couldn't self diagnose and fix with some actual incentive. Instead, they show up at my office, complaining about a failing marriage and demanding antidepressants/ stress-reliever, and firing me when I say they need to start talking to their spouse instead of drugging themselves. As you might guess from my tone, I'm really quite cynical about my job. I'm really in it for the people who actually need my help. Which are usually kids. Go figure.

Registered 2008-09-29 13:43:41

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Recent Comments from Dr.Devine

  • Comment on Moldy Bible (2010-04-12 17:36:51)
  • Comment on Sick Robot Tattoo (2009-08-01 21:18:03)
    No problem. * bows*
  • Comment on how to get the girl (2009-08-01 16:04:28)
    @Paul Is Drunk: Correct in two areas. Money being analogous to large breasts was beautiful. I cried a little. The kid sister one was a bit creepy, but also entirely correct. But you somewhat underestimate the pure power good looks can have over women. Especially if you have money, and are somewhat proficient at pretending to have low libido. Really, the key is providing an atmosphere of passive interest. If you act mildly amused by a woman staring at your crotch, as opposed to interested, then you have a much higher chance of "winning" the game. Particularly if she isn't very bright. I miss college.
  • Comment on Sick Robot Tattoo (2009-08-01 15:41:36)
    I think it's serious. Retards have the strength of ten men, you know.
  • Comment on This have changed (2009-07-21 09:48:29)
    Gah! I'm going to go sob quietly in the corner now, and lament the slow destruction of the MCS I fell in love with. The one where there were interesting discussions and pissing contests in the picture comments, the one where I didn't feel claustrophobic every time my home page loaded. (MCS is my homepage, and will remain it until I can find a new site that doesn't shrivel my testicles every time I see it.) The one that didn't look like something corporate America used as toilet paper. This color layout could have been pilfered from the home page of a goddamn struggling small business. It's fugly, and I hate it. The other design wasn't sleeker, it was just easier to use and look at. And didn't make half the people who have been posting here for more than a month want to drive drunk through a busy playground with a snow plow. Someone should do that. And post the pictures here. Maybe the redeeming light from those will save this website from the electronic doom that awaits it. Regardless... I've just been ranting. If we could return to that original layout from, say, a year ago, but also use those new reply functions and up/down voting systems, MCS would again be solid gold. That, and maybe make the ads scoot over a little bit. I always felt like there wasn't enough room to breathe with those damn things right next to you, staring you down. maybe just a couple millimeters over on each side. But I'm just fucking nitpicking now. Get rid of these ass ramming design changes and eye fucking color schemes first. Unless you want this site to be filled with hipster pseudo liberals, instead of the usual members of the "who gives a fuck, we'll still make our terrible black jokes" party.
  • Comment on How NOT to walk the baby (2009-07-18 13:44:09)
    Obviously. Third or fourth fail post today. What has become of this site?
  • Comment on WOW! (2009-07-18 13:43:01)
    I check this site for the first time in two months, give or take, and I'm greeted by this? Damn it all. I'm going back to the Himalayas.
  • Comment on Jumper Wallpaper (2009-06-14 00:33:39)
    Hayden Chritiansen= shit. The movie had the potential to be much better than it was, had they found someone even slightly more competent for the role. It was still decent, in spite of all that.
  • Comment on Re-Posted Bible! (2009-05-25 11:00:12)
    I know, Right? Oh well. Perhaps we should draft a eulogy.
  • Comment on Awesome eyes with awesome downblouse (2009-05-24 19:51:09)
    shit dude, me too. Absolutely gorgeous.
  • Comment on Re-Posted Bible! (2009-05-23 12:15:32)
    .....fiiiine. fuck.
  • Comment on Light saber holder (2009-05-20 15:28:08)
    @DarkDsurion: Oh, I don't know.. maybe because they're fucking LIGHTsabers? @LukeV1-5: KOTR qualifies as canon?
  • Comment on Monster Crab (2009-05-19 21:37:55)
    Alright billy, lets just throw the rope up over this branch here and.. wha.... WHAT THE FUCK IS THA...THAT THING? I think it's a bug. Get the fuck away from it BIlly, get inside. But what abou... Fuck the tire swing billy. It's the crab's tree now.
  • Comment on 300 - Prepare for glory (2009-05-19 20:42:58)
    @reboot: The freedom to own slaves. What's so wrong with that?
  • Comment on 300 - Prepare for glory (2009-05-19 20:42:01)
    @singularapathy: .... No, it was the Athenians too. All greeks pretty much. Thesians, etc.
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