Denmarkian (72)
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28 yr. old Geek. Most of my time not at work or school is spent trolling teh intarwebs. I likes the videogames. Lately I'm playing Animal Crossing: Wild World on my DS because it's an easy way to waste my time when I'm not at a computer.

Registered 2006-12-04 08:10:43

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Recent Comments from Denmarkian

  • Comment on GORF (2009-10-29 17:14:27)
    Heh, I've got it on a cart for the Commodore 64.
  • Comment on happy as a pig in mud (2009-09-28 21:19:10)
    The saying goes, "Happy as a pig in shit."
  • Comment on DC vs Marvel Poster (2009-09-21 11:24:18)
    Really? I thought it was interesting. Sure, the 4-part mini-series got really stupid in issues 3 and 4, but the Amalgam Comics were what drew me into it. I think I'm only missing 5 or 6 of the entire Amalgam release.
  • Comment on Imagine No God (2009-08-18 22:41:58)
    In terms of US culture as a whole, yes it is very recent. There has almost always been a battle between the christians who think that our country is founded on christian principals and completely ignore that one part of the first amendment, and the people who are not christians and know that the first amendment is there to protect them from the aforementioned revisionist-history christians. People cite that "In God We Trust" is on our currency, yet, per the US Treasury that phrase was originally printed on silver certificates in 1957, before then it was in 1864, during the Civil War, that the first references to God were put on the One- and Two-Cent coins. People cite "One Nation, Under God" is in the Pledge of Allegiance. That wasn't put in until 1954, as Dr. John W. Baer wrote in a short history of the pledge of allegiance. People cite "Family Values" touted in 1950's era sitcoms. This was because to be anything other than supporting those "family values" was communist, and you would be reported, interrogated, and forced to falsely implicate your friends and anyone your interrogators wanted to as being a communist before they would let you go. The Red Scare and the McCarthy Witch-hunt trials in the 1950's are the sole source of the American=Christian idea, there is absolutely no evidence otherwise to support this crazy idea. Yet, when Ronald Reagan was elected he was able to convince a good majority of Americans that his idiot ideas were they way to get back to a "more wholesome" way of life, like back in the 1950's, as described by Leave It To Beaver and other such entertainment properties. This was in backlash to the previous twenty years' social upheaval characterized by the Hippy movement, with their love of drugs and the rallying point of being against the Vietnam Conflict. So it has at least been since 1984 that the fundamentalist movement has been gaining traction in the US government. In 2000, when GWB stole the presidency, the fundies had the full-support of an unabashed baptist to go and try to "take back" America from the heathens. So only within the last ten years has it gotten really bad.
  • Comment on Imagine No God (2009-08-18 13:36:23)
    You do realize that there was never a real person named Jesus who lived roughly 2,000 years ago and did all the stuff that's written in the New Testament, right? Have you ever heard about the Council of Nicaea? The gathering that took place more than three hundred years after "Jesus" "lived" where they chose what books were going to be in The New Testament, and what books were not?
  • Comment on Imagine No God (2009-08-18 13:12:19)
    I really wish this sort of petulant, anti-christian vitriol was not completely justified as a retaliation against all the heavy-handed "Don't lie to me and say it wasn't God who created these here United States!", revisionist-history touting, fundamentalist fucktards we've been forced to listen to for the past twenty years.
  • Comment on hat fail (2009-08-17 07:04:36)
    Style before function, I guess.
  • Comment on Madonna? You've aged well... (2009-08-04 16:46:30)
    Well, no shit. But Madonna would rather her body look the way it does than be healthy. The lengths people go for fashion...
  • Comment on Madonna? You've aged well... (2009-08-04 15:08:57)
    Not a hoax, Madonna's been on a strict diet to get 0% body fat, this is what your arms look like with no fat on them what so ever.
  • Comment on megatron takes a picture (2009-08-02 00:40:28)
    Thems puns is murder!
  • Comment on Pink Slip Cake (2009-07-30 01:43:22)
    At least they had the decency to spell "you're" correctly.
  • Comment on Jarritos (2009-07-24 23:18:58)
    Nope, anywhere where there's a large Mexican population. We have the stuff up in MN.
  • Comment on Creation Scientists have a tough job (2009-07-23 22:53:31)
    It's kind of difficult to call him "the Magic Man who lives in the clouds and we cannot see" and be as concise.
  • Comment on Creation Scientists have a tough job (2009-07-23 15:14:29)
    Pre-emptive defence projecting, much? The comic was making fun of the name "creation Science" because it has absolutely nothing to do with science and is only the label they have draped over themselves to get an air of legitimacy. There is absolutely no implication that "ALL Christians and Creationists believe the Earth to be only 6000 years old" as you said. none at all.
  • Comment on Hanging Spider Plants (2009-07-23 15:10:07)
    That's a really nice design. It looks like you're using 14ga 1" ID rings, is that right?
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