dA, that's an incredible story. Thanks for sharing :D You're life is much more interesting than mine. I was raised in a simple Evangelical Lutheran household where my father thought communion was "creepy" and my mother went because they served coffee and cookies afterward. I went through a phase where I tried out a different religion a month, but I eventually realized that I didn't believe in any of them, I just liked studying different cultures and beliefs.
Dude McCoy (11126)
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Recent Comments from Dude McCoy
- Comment on let your children develop their own damn opinions (2010-09-03 21:40:20)
dA, that's an incredible story. Thanks for sharing :D You're life is much more interesting than mine. I was raised in a simple Evangelical Lutheran household where my father thought communion was "creepy" and my mother went because they served coffee and cookies afterward. I went through a phase where I tried out a different religion a month, but I eventually realized that I didn't believe in any of them, I just liked studying different cultures and beliefs. - Comment on what the mosque is vs what people act like it is (2010-09-03 21:14:10)
I was unaware NYC was the heart of either Christianity or Judaism, so that's kind of apples and oranges. I agree with the sentiment, though. It's like wanting to build a church in Ma'arrat al-Numan; a person could probably do it, but it would be asking for trouble. - Comment on what the mosque is vs what people act like it is (2010-09-03 21:08:28)
1: It's not my mosque and I'm not sticking anything anywhere. More importantly, what are you talking about when you type "you couldn't stick your supposed nothing mosque where you want" ? It's being built! What permits have been denied? I haven't read anything about that. Would you happen to have a source? Because if I'm wrong I definitely would like to know it. 2: Did you read what I posted? I agree that it causes problems. 3: I live in the second largest city in New York State with someone who grew up in New York City. My friend John Farrel died on 9/11/2001. 4: You brought it up the subspecies crap, I just corrected you. 5: I learned in Philosophy, Sociology, and Secondary Education (History). I find them fairly useful. 6: How do you figure Obama is my president? Crusade? I'm an anti-theist, thanks. And thanks for spreading homophobia, too, by acting like there's something wrong with enjoying cock. You should try visiting one of those homelands you malign, I think you would fit right in. - Comment on what the mosque is vs what people act like it is (2010-09-03 11:20:28)
Would you care to enlighten people about how they're wrong, or are you just going to keep repeating that statement until people roll over and accept it as truth? What plans were shut down? It's still being built and the only detail that's been changed since the original proposal is the name (to Park51 from Cordoba House). Why pick a side when you can look at the available information and make in informed decision? You probably don't have time to go through all of that information, so instead of staying out of the discussion you comment from a position of ignorance. I don't think it should be built either, but at least I can accurately use scientific terms, specifically one that has had the same accepted definition for decades. Homo habilis was a subspecies, and if you really think homo sapiens is still polytypic, Arabs would be a breed, anyway; "Muslims" are adherents to the belief culture of Islam. At least be accurately bigoted, because you're making an idiot of yourself. - Comment on what the mosque is vs what people act like it is (2010-09-03 11:02:38)
Ugh, Kant, calling attention to hypocrites everywhere for 200+ years... Basically, it states that if a moral rule applies to one person it applies to all people or that person doesn't really believe it, that person is simply an asshole. Essentially, a person cannot be considered reasonable if they pick and choose who to apply their morality to. Discussion relevant example: "If I believe it is wrong for religious monuments to be near the sites of murders motivated by belief in that religion, then I must accept that Christian churches near the Oklahoma Federal Building and the Shinto shrine near Pearl Harbor are wrong as well, or I must abandon my belief." - Comment on what the mosque is vs what people act like it is (2010-09-03 10:53:55)
Who says we don't have religious freedom in the United States? People are unhappy about the construction of Park51, but there have not been any serious proposals to prevent it. The general government consensus, whether it's local (Bloomberg), State (Patterson), or Federal (Obama), is roughly, "Yeah, it's in bad taste, but it's legal so go for it." - Comment on what the mosque is vs what people act like it is (2010-09-03 10:50:28)
I think you misunderstand the First Amendment. It covers Congress, States, and local governments; Joe-Bob down the street can (or ian356094 on the internet) can do and say what he wants to limit your expression as long as it isn't harassment. I also agree with ian. Designating a community center a "Christian" community center, or a "Polish" or "African-American" one, is just as bad as a "Muslim" community center. Why build a place for the community to congregate and be unified when you divide them immediately by giving it a specific ethnic/religious title? - Comment on The towers are a thing of the past (2010-07-29 08:43:14)
Apparently you haven't met anyone from Korea or Finland. The opinion that 9/11/2001 wasn't a big deal, or that the United States was reaping what they sowed, isn't uncommon :( - Comment on hello my friend, stay a while and listen (2010-04-28 13:36:32)
For some reason I always thought of him as a pedophile. Please tell me I'm not the only person. Also, instead of reinstalling Diablo 2 I installed Torchlight :D - Comment on terrorism vs war (2010-01-04 15:15:57)
Hell yeah, Peter Ustinov. "Corruption is nature's way of restoring our faith in democracy." - Comment on Jonestown (2009-10-31 10:34:26)
Dreth: I could be wrong because your post is practically intelligible, but if you're implying that US Army personnel died you fail at history. Also, this was absolutely horrible. Other than war and natural disasters, this killed more Americans at one time than anything other event before 9.11.2001. Talk about a messed up situation. - Comment on how the US will split (2009-10-29 13:07:59)
Professor Panarin is a political alarmist who believes fascism (obviously he doesn't use that term) is a great form of government if it's for a peoples' own protection. His suggestions for "fixing" the Russia Federation, specifically in regard to privacy and property rights, make me cringe. More on topic, he made this prediction, among others, more than a decade ago. His predictions were all shit-canned then and no one cared until one of his predictions hit a little too close to home. If a person continually posits situations that are possible, albeit implausable, that person will be eventually be right. It's an example of the infinite monkey theorem, like Jerry Fletcher from Conspiracy Theory. - Comment on Sell Your Soul (2009-10-19 12:27:17)
Actually, you're making an assumption which may or may not be true. Atheistic/deistic Satanists behave as you described. I get the feeling you are specifically referring to LaVeyan Satanism. You either forgot or don't know about theistic Satanism, such as Palladists (my favorite) and Luciferists. Those last two groups are commonly called "traditional Satanists" for a reason. In the future either know what you're talking about or take the post as it was intented, as a joke. Ignorance is lame :P - Comment on Another World (2009-10-12 18:20:05)
Assumption fail. This game was only released as Out Of This World in North America. - Comment on Sci-Fi Horror (2009-09-26 10:27:14)
It's a cymothoa exigua and is usually found off the coast of California, so chances are the fish isn't local. For people who love nature, though, the author of the article doesn't seem to know much about it; "the isopod, a type of louse" should be "the louse, a type of isopod" :P The coolest thing about these guys, though, is that the fish uses the parasite as a replacement tongue and other than the fact the tongue atrophies it really doesn't damage the host fish. Also, I'd worry more about the weever fish than the louse; the louse is unlikely to bite a person but the weever fish has a wicked sting.