They are finding out even earlier as they graduate from college with useless degrees and mountains of school loan debt and find no jobs waiting on them. Why? Because jobs are made by capitalists. Not the government.
dallasalice (16723)
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Recent Comments from dallasalice
- Comment on where socialism works (2012-07-21 21:08:20)
They are finding out even earlier as they graduate from college with useless degrees and mountains of school loan debt and find no jobs waiting on them. Why? Because jobs are made by capitalists. Not the government. - Comment on Capitalism (2012-07-21 21:04:58)
Well, time and again it's been proven that raising the minimum wages does away with jobs. The minimum wage was never meant to be enough to support a family. It was simply meant to be a fair and standard wage for work that normally does not require any higher education or specialized skill set. And yes, perhaps it is unfair to compare America's poor with the poor of other nations, but you have to agree I think it is hard to feel sorry for the poor of America when they walk around with iPhones and have big screen TVs and so forth all while receiving food stamps and welfare and, yes, free healthcare at times, while paying no taxes at all. - Comment on Capitalism (2012-07-21 18:01:22)
It's true we are sinking billions into the military. The upside of that is the military is one of the few government programs that actually works well. Still, Obama should pull us out of Iraq (almost done), Afghanistan, and Libya immediately. I suggest everyone write him about that, the warmonger that he is. - Comment on Capitalism (2012-07-21 17:59:26)
And Obamacare is just a continuation of the same social misery as it, too will continue to make more and more dependent on the government for everything. Right at 50% of Americans pay no taxes now. They are almost totally dependent on government programs that are paid for by taxes of those who do pay. This is a system that simply cannot continue. Government does not create jobs and can only print money for a finite time. The crash that is hitting Europe now will be our crash in five to ten years unless we change things. - Comment on where socialism works (2012-07-21 17:55:51)
The absolute ignorance of history regarding the numerous failures of socialism and communism expressed by some of you guys is both scary and sad. "The hands of the people." Please. God or lack of a God help me - LOL - Comment on Capitalism (2012-07-21 14:56:37)
Why yes I was. Bush spent too much. Barry, however is drowning us in dept. Well, I should say drowning the young in debt, not me. - Comment on Capitalism (2012-07-21 14:55:34)
This is a fact too . . . - Comment on Capitalism (2012-07-21 13:08:40)
It does work imperfect though it is. It's certainly better than socialism as is being proved at this very moment with the collapsing of Greece, Spain, Italy and a continuing cascade of socialist or semi-socialist nations in the EU. - Comment on Capitalism (2012-07-21 13:07:03)
That, my friend would be our elected officials - specifically the Democrats. - Comment on where socialism works (2012-07-21 13:04:49)
No, you're just doing the same old tired thing atheists do which is try to tie everything back to religion instead of debating facts. It's tired and lame and really just lazy, but since it's really the only thing you know what can you do, right? But instead of the bible and religion lets just do a Chinese quote to explain why capitalism is better than socialism "If you give a man a fish you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime." Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach him to fish and he can feed himself. The former is socialism because someone HAS to fish and the fishermen are the ones working while the bums are sitting around eating for free. But if you teach people to fish - allow them to be innovative and build businesses they can give something even better - jobs and self-respect. Finally, yes I believe in God. I'm not much for organized religion since religions are a man-made deal and men are imperfect so religion is imperfect. And I don't care what you think of that anymore than you care what I think of your non-belief. You go your way, I go mine. Oh yeah, you didn't comment on the 35% Estate Tax rate. Is that not enough to give to the government or do the 50% of Americans who pay absolutely NO tax need more? - Comment on where socialism works (2012-07-21 12:56:17)
The gap is increasing not because the rich are getting richer but the middle class is disappearing and that is due to the current administration's job and business killing policies. But, hey, at least you admit your a socialist. Obama won't even do that. - Comment on Audrey's gag ball (2012-07-21 01:46:34)
It's a photoshop of a 1953 photo by Bob Willoughby . . . - Comment on where socialism works (2012-07-21 01:21:52)
Why do you care what Jesus thought, dude, you're an atheist. I swear if you spent half the time you spend obsessing over Jesus and religion on working for a living you would be one of the 1 percent. LOL That said, there is a 35% Federal Estate Tax in place now, not to mention state estate taxes. How much do they need to give to you so you feel like you got your share? - Comment on where socialism works (2012-07-21 00:52:49)
Actually socialism works very well for lazy people as they get the rewards of the hard work of the rest of us. - Comment on where socialism works (2012-07-21 00:52:17)
Funny how that despicable word so easily rolls off the tongue of a liberal . . .