Ciansy (8422)
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Registered 2009-02-15 17:29:57

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Recent Comments from Ciansy

  • Comment on 100 ways to say FUCK YOU (2010-05-17 06:20:33)
    Bualadh craicinn is roughly pronounced boo-a-la crack-un, and it doesn't mean fuck you, it means to fuck (literally 'hitting/slapping skin).
  • Comment on Cthulhu in the eyes of his creator. (2009-03-11 04:21:36)
    " To R.H. Barlow, Esq., whose sculpture hath given immortality to this trivial ? of his oblig'd of all servants. Cthulhu H.P. Lovecraft 11 May, 1934" That's what I'm making out. Could be wrong.
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