chaosmfx (1564)
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Registered 2007-11-05 15:50:49

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Recent Comments from chaosmfx

  • Comment on Petrelli Brothers (2007-11-09 19:00:23)
    Again, LOL Schultz! I feel the same about the X-men movies... I have been reading the comics since the days you could still buy them in the stores for 10 cents each... I was severly disappointed in some of the 'artistic license' they took with the charachters and plot/time lines... Oh well, all we can do is protest by not buying them and hope they will 'listen' and do better next time (which will never work because too many people out there watch for the action, not the story in these types of movies).
  • Comment on Sarah is hot (2007-11-09 18:54:44)
    So what would that make the sandwich if Iman took Alizee's place... (disclaimer: Iman is way to skinny to be attractive to anyone but those who idolize anorexic models, however she was the only "I" name I could think of...)
  • Comment on Petrelli Brothers (2007-11-09 18:30:01)
    LOL, wrist-jizzers... Anyway, I don't disagree that he neds to get a grip on his abilities - it would make him an even stronger character in the show. That was just to explain why he had to have Nathan fly him up last season when he was still coming to terms with (and trying to control) all his powers.
  • Comment on Petrelli Brothers (2007-11-09 13:46:38)
    @Schultz We talked about that 'around the water cooler' here at work for days after the finale last season - the general consensus boiled down to: Peter was unable to control his powers at that point so he couldn't either fly up himself OR turn off the nuke...
  • Comment on Hell Yeah Motherfucker (2007-11-09 12:06:45)
    Isn't this the obnoxious kid from The Man Show?
  • Comment on Grumpy Cookie (2007-11-08 16:35:39)
    LOL Hepathos... you can tell he's old by the age spot starting to show on his chin...
  • Comment on I'd hit it so hard, it would take the future king of England to pull me out (2007-11-08 16:31:49)
    OOPS, 1st paragraph should have ended: French Royalty...) on the shield of the knight behind him which probably means that is Uther or some other royal relative (since Arthur is not King yet it would not be HIS shield)...
  • Comment on I'd hit it so hard, it would take the future king of England to pull me out (2007-11-08 16:29:25)
    This is, in fact Arthur as a boy and you can recognize it by several things in the picture: Joan of Arc would not have Celtic crosses outside her churches... There is a Lion (the traditional symbol of royalty in England where the Fleur de Lis is most often used to depict French Royalty... Also, as a 'medieval geek' (SCA for those that know about it) these appear to be traditional garb for the time period that Arthur is supposed to have lived (and yes, that's what BOYS wore then, women would have full length skirts or dresses, not tunic and hose). @Paul - wow, were you way off... others have already pointed out that the Once and Future King is Arthur so I won't belabor that point... But where did you get Jesus out of what I said??? All the stories end with Arthur sailing off to Avalon (or 'the mystic isle of xxxxx' or whatever depending on the version you read) and Excalibur has already been returned to the Lady of the Lake so there will be no need for him to 'pull it from the stone' again when he returns...
  • Comment on Wall of WTF (2007-11-08 16:08:32)
    Nice detail on his other works too! This one is called The Deadly Sins...
  • Comment on Wall of WTF (2007-11-08 15:38:36)
    OH, and I almost forgot... I has its' bucket... hehe
  • Comment on Wall of WTF (2007-11-08 15:38:04)
    WOW... that is some AMAZING detail on that carving... From the bomb on the left side of the frame it's possible that this work was done recently enough that the artist is still alive so maybe you could mAgNUS...
  • Comment on Four Robins (2007-11-08 13:36:18)
    hehe, 50% death rate is 'not so bad'??? I sure wouldn't want my doctor to have that same performance standard... lolz
  • Comment on I'd hit it so hard, it would take the future king of England to pull me out (2007-11-08 13:32:34)
    Not based on the picture - this is Arthur as a boy before he became King the first time... (and from what I recall, the 'Once and Future King' won't have to yank any swords out of stones upon his return...)
  • Comment on Ronald Reagen (2007-11-06 13:14:11)
    LOL @ yoodle - I remember what that's from...
  • Comment on Awesome Beach (2007-11-05 12:01:45)
    OK, there are two sides to this coin: First, it's OK to be saddened by the behavior of our ancestors... Second, we don't need to be 'making ammends' or apologize for them - we didn't do it, they did... History is full of one people being conquered by another yet only today will you see conquered peoples (American Indians, Aboriginies, etc.) making a stink about it and demanding reparations for the acts of past generations. If I oppress you now, then make me pay for it... if my Great Great Granfather oppressed yours, deal with it and move on. Now, on a similar note, the Africans here in the US have a different claim, so to speak. Whil their argument is a bit more valid (we were taken from our lands, dragged across the sea, and bound into slavery) but it's still in the past. Again, it's OK for people to be ashamed of their ancestors but you can't expect someone today to pay you for their grandfather abusing your grandfather... (FYI, my background is french-canadian so I've probably got some indian-bashers in my background. I'm sorry for what they did to you... the check is in the mail.)
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