***I think that if you want to live in the US, you need to learn to get along with other people. I think that's part of what this country was founded on and too many people seem to forget it. They come here and just want to live in a compact version of where they moved from. It's one thing to embrace your culture or love your past, but it's another thing entirely to segregate yourself from the outside world. As it is today, America is not a melting pot. The people do not blend, meld or adapt. All we do is hole up in our own little "safety zones" and try to pretend we like our neighbors while we secretly curse them. Are we ever going to let that go? I'm multiracial. I don't identify with any place other than America. But I grew up in a military family so I don't even have a state or a city to call home. I really wish I could say I was proud to be American. But I don't even know what that MEANS.
CathyLong (4881)
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Recent Comments from CathyLong
- Comment on RPB - Ron Paul Blimp (2009-03-30 15:18:08)
***I think that if you want to live in the US, you need to learn to get along with other people. I think that's part of what this country was founded on and too many people seem to forget it. They come here and just want to live in a compact version of where they moved from. It's one thing to embrace your culture or love your past, but it's another thing entirely to segregate yourself from the outside world. As it is today, America is not a melting pot. The people do not blend, meld or adapt. All we do is hole up in our own little "safety zones" and try to pretend we like our neighbors while we secretly curse them. Are we ever going to let that go? I'm multiracial. I don't identify with any place other than America. But I grew up in a military family so I don't even have a state or a city to call home. I really wish I could say I was proud to be American. But I don't even know what that MEANS. - Comment on RPB - Ron Paul Blimp (2009-03-30 15:08:19)
wow.. so much anger and rants. My example of slavery was not "idiotic" it was accurate. Slaves were the minority at the time. Part of the reason we had a Civil War was because certain States thought it was their "right" to deny a minority group their rights as human beings. Prop 8 is denying courthouse marriages too, btw. It has nothing to do with pegs and everything to do with uppity Religious folk freaking out over what other people do. Fact is, the same laws which allowed for interracial marriages should be applied to homosexuals. Just because a bunch of conservatives in your state think it's disgusting (Alabama) doesn't mean they have any "right" to vote against it and kick you out of the state or break up your marriage. Not to mention how completely pointless it is. The same can be said for abortion though that can actually be INTELLIGENTLY argued in terms of murder and definitions of life so it's not something worth discussing in a tl;dr forum post. Point is, Everyone is a Minority in another state. You may think it's "no big deal" for some state YOU don't live in to pass laws which don't affect you, but I actually care about people outside of myself. And I know too many happy homosexual couples who deserve to be married in a courthouse (that their tax dollars help fund) and get all of the medical, legal and tax-bracket changes which come with that commitment choice. It's not just some wedding. And it's not "religious discrimination". It's a courthouse. The same courts where everyone is supposed to get a fair trial. Lawyers take oaths to be non-biased. Doctors do too. If you wanted to discriminate your services, maybe you should have gone into another line of business. - Comment on La Vaca Brava (2009-03-30 14:11:31)
@dieAntagonista: I learned "Vaca = Cow" from an episode of Penn & Teller's BullShit when they mocked a woman who was anti-cursing so she said "Santa Vaca" or "Holy Cow" instead of cussing because it's what her maid taught her in Spanish. They pointed out she was just using someone else's God's name in vain (Hindus) and how idiotic she was. -_- - Comment on RPB - Ron Paul Blimp (2009-03-30 14:06:56)
*Every *in Utah /typos. :P - Comment on RPB - Ron Paul Blimp (2009-03-30 14:05:28)
lol@tagfail I also like Ron Paul except for one nagging thing: I do not believe things like homosexual rights and women's health should be left up to state voting. I understand what he's trying to get at, like many libertarians who agree with him. But this is the UNITED States of America, not fifty seperate countries. Certain rights violations like, oh I don't know, slavery, should not be "left up to the states". Everyone non-Mormon Utah would be FUCKED. - Comment on Dangerous Jobs (2009-03-30 12:17:58)
lol... I understand the fear of rape (not that ogling means he'll rape you) but rape =/= death. But for homophobes it may as well be. - Comment on Awesome 80's Tattoos (2009-03-30 11:50:55)
Broken sarcasm detector above me. The last one looks like the illustrations from PopTart ads. Same guy? - Comment on Dangerous Jobs (2009-03-30 11:49:10)
I love that being ogled by a gay man is considered as "dangerous" as impending death. Warped fear is warped (but funny). - Comment on Chart of Geekyness. (2009-03-27 15:40:16)
@tiki god: Furries are like 2G1C. I looked, and I am curious about wth they were thinking, but I still feel like throwing up afterwards. - Comment on Reasoning with God. (2009-03-27 15:38:38)
@umali15@hotmail.com: Dividing the world into two groups is always in vogue. It's easier to make them hate each other. :) - Comment on Dirty computer desk (2009-03-27 14:42:06)
@cwm: what is that comb on? - Comment on Chart of Geekyness. (2009-03-27 14:40:03)
Guess I'm just a 'fan' since I don't do any of the other things exclusively. I play videogames (all sorts) and read comics and manga pretty equally and I watch animated shows no matter the language and I like certain role playing like Ren Fest and Halloween. But I hate Furries and Furry lovers. ew. - Comment on Reserved for expectant mother (2009-03-27 14:18:19)
1. Not ugly and I am engaged but thanks for playing. 2. This opinion of mine comes from a family of women who worked while pregnant and are sick of seeing women abuse the system of men and brainwashed women who have been convinced that all pregnant women are now victims in a "special" condition. Listen to yourselves. You really think some seventeen year old with three brats deserves special anything just because she was too dumb to use the pill or keep her legs shut? I know that some women are married or have kids intelligently, but few of THOSE women would care or even lobby to have special parking. They'd accept their changing body as part of the very REAL consequences of their decision. 3. I have seen these spots with my own eyes and they are next to the handicapped spots in most parking lots and they are many, not few. Unlike the guy who got sideslammed by a truck or born without legs, I do not think that being pregnant (something over 90% of women can do willingly) qualifies to be lumped with these people who are genuinely crippled. Boo hoo, I have back pain too. I have pins in my knees from running seven years of track and walking "far" hurts my legs too. But come the fuck on. A parking lot is not like walking a marathon. It's usually just a 20-30 feet from the door. It just reeks of laziness and catering, once again, to pregnant women. I'm done with this topic because I can see that you are of teh generation which thinks that a woman becomes suddenly untouchable and virtous cause she pops out a kid. I have news for you though, most women can pop out kids and the ones parading it around and using it as an excuse to be overly lazy and whiny are not "victims of hormones". There are many women who can go to work on their period and work up until a week or two before delivery of their child and return to work just a few weeks later. And then there are those women who genuinely have physical complications, who QUALIFY for temporary handicapped passes. So these parking spots? Pointless. They are for women like Octomom, who expect to have everything handed to them. And they were instituted by liberal pundits who think anytime a person complains and whines they must be suffering an injustice. Dear Politicians, Some people are just lazy, whiny drama queens looking for a handout. It's time you learn to tell the difference between real suffering and bitching. <3, Me - Comment on Dirty computer desk (2009-03-27 13:58:38)
My bf and I throw out that much in Coke cans each month but they don't pile up by the computer area; we have a recycling bin. That's what is so sick, it's just thrown there. That Chinese food is probably old too. :U blarg. I can't play games when my desk is messy. Not even MMOs. How the hell do you focus on the monitor with all that distraction and smell? - Comment on Red Sonja Art (2009-03-27 09:44:23)
@sleepyjoe256: If anything from RPGs is accurate, she must be +100 DEF at least. :3