deleted_user (667)
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Registered 2007-06-24 00:27:43

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Recent Comments from deleted_user

  • Comment on what do to if you encounter a mountain lion (2009-11-12 15:20:02)
    I could probably take a wolf - but not a mountain lion.
  • Comment on i hate mondays monkey (2009-11-12 14:56:54)
    Looks like somebodies got a case of the muundaays!
  • Comment on a large truck (2009-11-12 14:55:40)
    He does resemble Seth. But it's not. Picture looks edited.
  • Comment on should you have to hide the real you to be accepted - gay (2009-11-12 14:52:41)
    "should you have to hide the real you to be accepted – gay" -Only if you're trying to fit in with 15 year olds that listen to Insane Clown Posse. For the rest of the adult world - assuming they actually blossomed into adults - no. Look at the people who hate on gays: Rappers High school kids under peer pressure to impress everyone Low lives I disagree with anything the above three believes in.
  • Comment on check if your feces are healthy (2009-11-12 01:33:22)
    Why does feces smell so bad?
  • Comment on mocking the Walt Disney Statue (2009-11-11 23:45:32)
    He had a castle that he lived in and he also had a room in times square or something.
  • Comment on CasemodS (2009-11-11 22:19:04)
    Teen angst strikes again.
  • Comment on should you have to hide the real you to be accepted (2009-11-11 21:44:38)
    Also, they send money over there to families - creating FREE money for their economy and drastically decreasing ours.
  • Comment on should you have to hide the real you to be accepted (2009-11-11 21:41:20)
    Kom: Well said. I respect gays, but they don't need to be flaunting it obviously. Caucasians should be proud they are clean and pure - not try to act like degenerate pukes. I used to be a wigger - a bad one. I had no idea what I was doing in life - the only reason you should listen to rap. Now that I have grown up, I dress normal. Normal blue jeans, t-shirts, long-ish hair that you can comb and actually wash. I hate to be racist, because I'm not a racist person, but when you think as deep as I do, you realize that when other nationalities come into this country, they feel as if they own it because Caucasians are so nice - something they didn't have in their country. Not only do they bring poverty and low-standards of living over here, they also bring the economy down by buying things, mainly cars, from their country - severely impacting the local economy. Something needs to be done. We need to stop importing - or charge a 50% tax on anything imported. Maybe more. I can go on forever. Welfare used to be setup tons of years ago for fellow white's - not dirty disgusting diseased feces colored sub-humans.
  • Comment on subway cheese instructions (2009-11-11 21:05:19)
    It's like this at any business. Any way to make money - no matter how small. Fuck the customers.
  • Comment on should you have to hide the real you to be accepted (2009-11-11 20:14:25)
    If your a nigger! HAHAHHAHAAHHAAH That's exactly what I said out loud. If only I could find audacity.
  • Comment on purple haired jolie (2009-11-11 19:04:33)
    Purple is ok. I think pink is hot on girls. But you still need to be attractive to pull it off.
  • Comment on mocking the Walt Disney Statue (2009-11-11 17:45:18)
    Doesn't matter. They don't belong here.
  • Comment on Family Xmas Photo (2009-11-11 17:25:23)
    I want to be like the guy on the right. That's what White America is truly about. Fuck all you brownies and blackies fucking my country up. Something will be done soon enough, trust me.
  • Comment on mocking the Walt Disney Statue (2009-11-11 17:23:11)
    lol this is funny but I don't agree with inferiors doing this sort of stuff to White built things. Yourr in our country fuckers. It's time someone taught these fuckers a lesson.
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