broxolm (3116)
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Registered 2008-04-09 16:58:10

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Recent Comments from broxolm

  • Comment on Bawl Story (2009-02-18 01:50:47)
    I hate whoever wrote this with every cell I have. I was once the guy in that story. I was kissed on the cheek, called over for late nights after bad boyfriends mistreated her, even made sure she was happy even when I couldnt be. She told me I was the best guy in the world. I worked up the courage to ask her out and not only did she said no....she laughed and told me that I wasnt her type. Now I cant feel anything anymore, even after several years. When I see other girls, I still see her and I know even if I was as good a person as I had been, it would still not be good enough. If you are best friends with the one you love, run away. Run away fast and never look back. One of you is going to be hurt. I know you think you want her to be happy no matter what, even if you have to sacrifice your own happiness. But its not worth it. I know I can never feel the same way again and even if I could, I wouldnt want to. I am dead inside.
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