anonymouscommenter (191098)
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Registered 2014-06-07 21:54:02

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Recent Comments from anonymouscommenter

  • Comment on Fantastic Four Wallpaper (2015-05-18 07:20:27)
    Holy crap! Are they doing it on purpose? How is it possible to have three people so absolutely and completely void of personality, charisma, and intelligence in the same picture without doing it on purpose?
  • Comment on Peaceful (2015-05-16 08:40:17)
    The difference is that the most violent Christians are those who think when Jesus said "let he who is free of sin cast the first stone", he was just calling dibs. While in Islam, the violent ones are the ones who interpret the Quran correctly and the non-violent ones are the ones who only call themselves Muslims because leaving Islam is a crime punishable by death.
  • Comment on Gaming Consoles (2015-05-13 15:35:57)
    It's missing the Intellivision and the ColecoVision.
  • Comment on Are you against gay marriage (2015-05-11 19:24:19)
    According to US law in ALL states, it is illegal to marry your own sister, and in most states it's even illegal to marry your first cousin. Do you think that gross example of "marriage inequality" is justified? And why? Is it because: a) If two siblings decide to have children, the kids will have a slightly greater than average chance of having genetic disorders, and you totally agree with eugenics because the Nazis were totally right and you should never allow dwarfs to marry each other either since they have a 75% chance of producing a child with more birth defects than any sibling couple has ever produced. And of course, the one and only purpose of marriage is to produce perfect kids, so if a couple isn't capable of doing so, then they should not be allowed to marry each other. b) It's totally gross. It just creeps the hell out of you to see a brother and a sister kissing in the mouth, let alone thinking about them having sex. It's just unnatural, and thus wrong. Never mind the fact that other than some higher pack mammals, there's not a single species of animals who'd have a problem banging their own sister, and in fact, there are quite a few species that reproduce exclusively through incest (bees, ants, termites, etc.). It doesn't matter if everyone in nature does it, it's still unnatural, and grosses me out and so it's wrong and should never be allowed in public. c) Even if the married siblings decide not to have children and keep their love behind closed doors, allowing them to marry each other would only encourage MY kids to try and have sex with each other. It'd lead them to believe that it's okay to have sex with your sister, and it's the government's job to tell people who they can and can't have sex with based on what the majority of the voters find gross. And of course preventing people from marrying the person they want to marry is not, in any way, a violation of their human rights because WE find their behavior gross and unacceptable so it's within our right to prevent them from doing what they want to do.
  • Comment on The Suicide Squad (2015-05-04 09:42:45)
    There are only five colors in that picture and three of them are slightly different shades of black. I know DC Comics is scared shitless of ever even looking in the general direction of Batman and Robin, but seriously, CUT IT OUT. Black isn't the only color in the goddamn universe. There's red and blue and green and -- gasp -- cyan and aquamarine and yellow. Even goddamn Harley seems in black and white, for Pete's sake.
  • Comment on The Fantasy Four movie will have four poeple vs a column of light (2015-04-30 13:30:54)
    And the column of light will have more personality and charisma than 3 of those people....
  • Comment on Mad Max Wallpaper Banner (2015-04-26 20:29:25)
    Sure, I remember the '80s.
  • Comment on Fantastic Four Movie (2015-04-23 07:52:51)
    I hope that's just fan art because it looks so bad it's painful. The only one who appears to have any trace of a personality there is the guy made of rock, and we all know he's about to say "I am Groot".
  • Comment on Do you Bleed (2015-04-21 10:25:14)
    "why would a magical being made from clay..." Actually, one of the few things the whole New 52 did right was to make Wonder Woman the biological daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta, rather than a clay baby statue given life by the gods, which was brain-numbingly stupid even back in the '50s when they came up with it.
  • Comment on Star Trek: Renegades Official Trailer (2015-04-08 21:34:19)
    This one is better: Star Wrek - In the Pirkinning (with subs):
  • Comment on Jump (2015-03-09 22:19:53)
    I'm 75.3% sure that's a famous stunt gone wrong. The guy suffered two broken legs, never fully recovered, and committed suicide.
  • Comment on To blame the poor (2015-03-08 08:22:18)
    Cute, but even at her most vapid and useless and airheaded, Paris Hilton does more for the economy and the creation of jobs (by spending tons of money every day) that all the poor people combined. But let's make a thought exercise. Imagine that you qualify how much an individual actually contributes economically to society. Imagine that we total the amount of money that the person gives to the government via direct and indirect taxes and all that, and divide it by how much they get in benefits from the government (both direct and indirect, like road maintenance and the DMV). Do you seriously believe that the average poor person would have a better ratio than the average rich person? Just by counting the sale taxes from what Paris Hilton spends on shoes every month, she contributes more to society that half the poor on the country combined. The fallacy Mailer is promoting, which is a fallacy all liberals believe, is that proportions are relevant. They aren't. If a man pays ten million dollars in taxes, he contributes much more to society than a man who pays ten dollars. Period. There's no two ways about it. It doesn't matter if the first man makes ten billion a month and the latter makes 200. It's not about how much you COULD contribute, but about how much you ACTUALLY contribute that makes the difference. Government bills aren't paid in proportions. They're paid with actual money. And most of that money comes out the pockets of the rich people you despise so much.
  • Comment on ?! (2015-03-01 07:10:49)
    Actually, Star Wars was crap. It had special effects that were 20 years ahead of its time, and production values that put modern movies with 10 times its budget (even accounting for inflation) to shame, but other than those technical achievement, the movie was garbage. I'm not kidding. Think about all that you think makes Star Wars so great, and then think about how many of those things came from Empire Strikes Back, not the original Star Wars. In the first movie, Vader is little more than a lap dog to a cliche villain. He only does about four things in the entire movie (throat lift a guy, "lack of faith", kills Ben, get's butt kicked in final battle). Yoda isn't there yet. The only lightsaber battle is the worst in the series. The plot is comically simple-minded, and the climax is laughable. Just watch it with the Rifftrax and you'll hear Mike go ape-ship at the end about how the movie is utter BS.
  • Comment on Kick and Keep Religion OUT (2015-02-06 12:36:31)
    "this cartoon is pretty old from what I’m told" It was drawn by Watson Heston (wiki: ), who was born on 1846 and died in 1905. So it's safe to say it was made around 1880 or so.
  • Comment on Only in America (2015-02-05 07:01:16)
    Well, the rodent has a better batting average making predictions that the climatologists, who spent all the '80s and '90s claiming that by 2010 Earth would be between 5 and 7 degrees Celsius above normal. (Hint: climatologists' predictions are about as accurate as the average horoscope, and just about as scientific.)
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