Also the arm ones are separate from the hand ones; I'm not really sure how many people are missing that. Maybe none.
Anonymoose (60931)
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- Comment on Ouch! (2012-04-19 09:26:20)
Also the arm ones are separate from the hand ones; I'm not really sure how many people are missing that. Maybe none. - Comment on Ouch! (2012-04-19 09:25:22)
It's not permanent; they don't leave these things in. They put them in, enjoy being bad-ass for a few minutes, take a bunch of pictures, and let it heal up. The adjectives used to refer to the process are unexpected. "Spiritual" comes up a lot. We live in a society that treats the entire concept of attention in a bizarre manner; shit like this is actually pretty common with the fetish and "glamour" circles. - Comment on be an asshole (2012-04-18 23:01:46)
Calling it common is not calling it universal. I've dated many of the outliers; I'm engaged to one now. However, attractive girls are often treated well automatically, and thus they often don't really develop all that much character or relationship mediation skill. Attractive girls who have only superficial social skills generally attract douchebags. Notice all those uses of "often" and no uses of "always?" Those "oftens" add up to stereotypes. Not all guys are sex-crazed, morality-sacrificing deviants... but there's a stereotype because it happens "often." - Comment on be an asshole (2012-04-18 20:35:31)
I'm surprised this picture leaves out the final step, where she becomes miserable dating said asshole and starts habitually calling the guys who actually like her in the middle of the night, crying about how the only thing she likes is the sex. - Comment on short gray dress (2012-04-18 13:33:17)
Damnit, TinEye; what's your problem? - Comment on FTW (2012-04-17 14:07:35)
MY FOOD IS PROBLEMATIC. - Comment on God? (2012-04-17 02:17:56)
/universal catch-all excuse - Comment on God? (2012-04-17 02:16:45)
BUT, GOD GAVE MAN FREE WILL. THAT NEGATES EVERYTHING. - Comment on Doonsbury State Sanctioned Rape pt 4-6 (2012-04-16 23:32:49)
If I wait to get involved in these debates until both sides stop being irrational, insensitive, black-and-white solution seeking douche bags, is that okay? - Comment on Notre-Dame Basilica (2012-04-16 22:41:05)
That looks about what Jesus had in mind. - Comment on Obama corn (2012-04-15 18:11:33)
I don't even think he looks stupid; if I was a kindergartener, I'd think a class reader getting that into it was kick-ass. If anything, he just looks sincere. - Comment on Hathaway's Catwoman (2012-04-14 20:37:05)
Is that a problem? I might just be speaking for myself, but I like form and firm a lot more than bulk measurements; and there's some firm curve there (although it might just be the assistance of the clothes). - Comment on briefcase gun (2012-04-14 04:40:20)
Isn't the jig kind of up when you're the only guy at the scene whose briefcase sounds like a wind chime? - Comment on TITANIC is real...?!? (2012-04-13 06:38:26)
Jesus Fuck, kids - Wikipedia is f r e e. - Comment on Doggy Dream (2012-04-13 05:24:27)
I've said it before, I'll say it again: the animals with the most aggressive reputations are usually just the most loyal and intelligent ones - those traits are easily exploited in animals under direct human control. There's a pit breeder in my family and her dogs have consistently been the sweetest, smartest and goofiest dogs I've ever met.