You people and your Cat Breading; Faith Hilling is still cool, guys. It's still cool. Right?
Anonymoose (60931)
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Recent Comments from Anonymoose
- Comment on inbred cat (2012-06-15 19:24:15)
You people and your Cat Breading; Faith Hilling is still cool, guys. It's still cool. Right? - Comment on How to Make a PB&J (2012-06-13 21:20:50)
I thought I was the only one. - Comment on when the impossible happens (2012-06-11 11:06:57)
He's just being abducted... verrrry slowly.... - Comment on what in the world is going on (2012-06-08 16:47:54)
Potato is singular when that pronunciation is representative of a foodstuff. However, used as a representative of a number, it would simply be a homonym of this foodstuff; totally unrelated. One potato would actually represent a great deal - one potato's worth in fact! Many, many zeros. Infinity is fun, because it means there is a 100% certainty of... everything. Therefore, if you assign a verbal representation to every single number tier... (one, one hundred and one, one thousand and one, etc.) then eventually you must by necessity arrive at ... EVERYTHING. One potato and one. One santorum and one. One hochunk, two hundred and fifty tikigod three potato two hundred and forty google six quintilion five hundred and fifteen million six hundred and thirty seven thousand seven hundred and fourteen. POINT POTATO. - Comment on Bill Maher (2012-06-08 16:39:04)
I find myself at that dissonance quite often. I barely ever disagree with the man and yet 9/10 times he's talking to another human being I can only focus on the socially detached douchenozzle he's being. He's a few lessons in tact and class away from philosophical renown... and yet... ugh. - Comment on what in the world is going on (2012-06-08 13:15:55)
Any number more than 3.14[etc.] (and lower than -3.14[etc.] if you wanna be a dick about semantics) is after Pi. That excludes like... 3.13 numbers, and those already have postulated names. (one, two, and three for whoever's counting.) Therefore, yes, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that potato comes after Pi. However, numbers extend into infinity. If you combine this fact with the fact that numbers must have a way to be pronounced as well as expressed in a numerical representation (1,000,000 pronounced "Mill-yun", for example), then it stands to reason that EVENTUALLY you will get to "potato." Whether or not they'll ever assign pronunciations to postulated numbers so high that using names that stupid is considered acceptable remains to be seen (they did go with "google" though, so you never know). Still, "potato" is out there, god damnit, and if you can count to it that's pretty motherfucking impressive. I wonder if a million potatos is a potatillion... or if potatillion is so stupid they'll delay its use even longer than they delayed potato. SOMEONE CRYOGENICALLY FREEZE ME SO I MAY LIVE TO SEE THAT GLORIOUS DAY. so... uh... That's MCS+, right? 'Cause I'd like to think I didn't type that for nothin' - especially this guy's 3.13-number-excluding-tip-using ass. - Comment on Tip jar (2012-06-07 07:47:48)
WELL, HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW YOU WERE LACTOSE INTOLERANT? - Comment on what in the world is going on (2012-06-07 07:43:04)
Wow, way to delete the word always for being inside of code brackets. Should have just gone with always. As you can see, I also sometimes count to potato through public failure, which is almost as good. - Comment on what in the world is going on (2012-06-07 07:40:18)
I don't count outloud for a chance to win MCS+ ... but when I do, I count to potato. Where was this offer back when NK had to actually post a picture explaining to me how to not have the pop ups evade my pop-up blocker anymore?! - Comment on Pixie Mugger (2012-06-02 20:53:54)
Price check on prune juice, Bob, price check on prune juice. - Comment on Tatooine (2012-05-31 15:13:03)
How much crap is hidden in this? I see Batman with a lightsaber on the roof, and the Star Trek guys in the crowd. - Comment on Rooms and MIB (2012-05-30 23:56:04)
It's because of doorways. SOURCE: - Comment on ginger with green eyes (2012-05-28 07:55:50)
I'm the only one around here who likes freckles? - Comment on Nebraska Woman Gives the Craziest Anti-Gay Rant Ever (2012-05-24 19:06:44)
Proof to elders that respect is earned, not given. Some people somehow manage to make it to a ripe old age without being forced to mentally mature beyond 12. - Comment on Ronald Reagan on Religion (2012-05-08 00:41:53)
You actually expect to be taken seriously saying something like that in the very year Rick Santorum gained this much ground? The guy who said that separation of church and state makes him want to vomit?