@the3g_ipwn: Your misunderstanding of the situation is so grave you should just shut the fuck up already, and stop hurting my brain with your retard allegations that this is somehow the fault of the democratic party, and not greedy mother fuckers who choose to get rich fast on an economy based on credit, instead of a real economy based on production. You, Sir, Fail.
angrymatt (1937)
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Recent Comments from angrymatt
- Comment on Just Imagine (2008-10-15 23:31:00)
@the3g_ipwn: Your misunderstanding of the situation is so grave you should just shut the fuck up already, and stop hurting my brain with your retard allegations that this is somehow the fault of the democratic party, and not greedy mother fuckers who choose to get rich fast on an economy based on credit, instead of a real economy based on production. You, Sir, Fail. - Comment on Obama Campaign Slogans (2008-09-27 19:11:10)
1) The first time I read the drudge report I thought it was a satirical site. At first I was sad, and then very amused that people actually read that tripe for information. 2) I do have a sense of humor. Also, I am a registered Independent, not a Democrat, and not a blind Obama follower. The problem is, the so-called jokes about Obama aren't funny. They're desperate and sad. I don't have a boner for him, or necessarily think that he somehow transcends American politics and will bring some sense of honor and righteousness to the White House. The first thing he has in his favor is, he is not McCain. A McCain presidency would continue to weaken this country by further selling our interests and security to globally funded corporations. A McCain presidency would allow the right to further limit MY rights and MY privileges all because they are a bunch of self-loathing perverts. Ever find it interesting how whenever Senator Obama reveals a plan or policy Bush/McCain condemn the shit out of it, and then scramble their asses off IMPLEMENTING it. Please stop implying that the American Media is somehow liberal. Saying that is an insult to us real Liberals. - Comment on Obama Campaign Slogans (2008-09-27 18:06:41)
again... you have to make stuff up to criticize. Keep talking, you're all making my point for me. Arguments with you people are easy. - Comment on Obama Campaign Slogans (2008-09-27 17:48:01)
drudge report? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA - Comment on Obama Campaign Slogans (2008-09-27 17:20:55)
The thing is... the McCain jokes are funny because they're true. Whoever comes up with this shit has to really really really stretch (apparently you can stretch the truth so far it becomes an absolute lie). Insinuating that Obama has some measure of responsibility for the, "sudden," economic crisis? Seriously? Really? Come on, you can't swallow that. If you can, I have this book you should read about how the world was created in six days. This reality shit might be a little too complicated for you. Lucky you though, we have religion. It can completely replace this pesky reality thing for you, in a heaertbeat. Sorry McCain fumbled the debates last night. Guess he's not such a foreign policy mastermind after all. - Comment on Two things to do in Alaska (2008-09-22 20:01:45)
The issue at hand is abstinence only education, and the very obvious fuck up that it is. No one is holding it against the girl, they're taking issue with her mother and her mother's failed policy on sex education. - Comment on Rush Limbaugh (2008-09-18 22:51:39)
We shouldn't even vote one star for this mother fucker. - Comment on obama beats the shit out of mccain (2008-09-09 18:16:07)
Um... Obama's got a silver spoon in his ass? I think you need to check your history son. McCain would no choice but to settle back and let his Government Run Health Care nurse him back. - Comment on This is what Christian actually believe (2008-09-06 03:19:47)
This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg of crazy shit christians believe. Bears may eat you if you make fun of bald prophets. - Comment on Sarahdipity (2008-09-05 21:31:39)
If she's so socially conservative, shouldn't she be in the fucking kitchen? - Comment on Is that a microphone in your pocket? (2008-09-05 21:29:20)
HA HA - Comment on Obama - Biden - osama bin laden (2008-09-05 21:27:33)
Jesus Fucking Christ! Could the political discourse in this country get any worse? - Comment on Obama Points (2008-08-30 15:28:48)
I think Kidrythm is the 13 year old son of an oil executive. That's the only way I can think he could such statements with a straight face. - Comment on Crazy Ron (2008-08-23 13:57:33)
Puhleese... Obama is not a socialist, and any assertion that he is, is simply Rovian Republican Douche Baggery. Quit regurgitating everything O'Reilly and Beck tell you. They're hacks. - Comment on HOPENOSIS (2008-08-12 21:00:58)
And that someone worse is John McCain. I mean really, a presidential hopeful could not possibly be worse than John McCain. John McCain, worst thing since George Bush!