Alpha Harrison (1043)
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Registered 2007-08-21 15:11:13

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Recent Comments from Alpha Harrison

  • Comment on You're All Wrong (2008-11-19 06:56:52)
    @Twee The one on the right is Buddhism. Weird how this has got the ying and yang do-dad on there (which as far as i'm aware, is about balance, not faith), and yet doesn't have the symbol for Sikhism, which is a huge religion. I'm gonna have to go ahead and call EPIC FAIL. @Dyna-mole This one time, someone sent me a picture of two dudes fucking, and I thought that was the gayest thing I ever saw on the internet. Then I read your post....
  • Comment on Batman Forever Card (2008-11-17 09:39:46)
    I dunno man, the pop-out ice skates, or pretty much any scene with Arnie totally licks balls. But seriously, the ice skates were really really gay
  • Comment on cruise ship (2008-07-17 06:58:18)
    @ack That's.....pretty intense there chief. Calm the fuck down
  • Comment on hal jordan - suckiest green lantern of all time (2008-07-16 05:44:07)
    Really? Because I would have John Stewart, hands down, is shitier than Jordan. In fact, I quite like Jordan, just not as much as Rayner
  • Comment on dirta von teese wallpaper (2008-07-07 08:37:01)
    For the punch-drunk love of fuck she's gorgeous. I would punch a baby to spend an evening with her
  • Comment on World's most expensive home-cinema (2008-07-01 07:19:29)
    All that pant-wetingly amazing equipment, and he plays ratatoille? If i knew people were coming to photgraph my set-up, i'd have platoon on or something, or maybe bad boys just for the big explosions. Even if you wanted to go disney, Monster's inc. looks a helluva lot better
  • Comment on yellow ghetto car - sponge bob (2008-06-25 11:12:10)
    Yeah, I wouldn't leave my kids alone with whoever owns this V-hicle. That's if I had any kids. Or a partner to have them with..... I'm going drinkin'
  • Comment on Marvel Vs Dc (2008-06-23 07:09:24)
    I bet Hawkman and Aquaman shit some serious pants when they found out they got Ms. Marvel and fucking She-Hulk. "I can communicate with fish and and have limited superstrength/telepathy." And? The Thing would fuck Aquaman up, let alone a hulk of any description. But DC ftw. And by the by, the yellow impurity doesn't count anymore dude, Iron Man could be all fucking saffron, and GL would still hand his iron ass to him
  • Comment on captain america standing on nazi tank (2008-06-19 06:23:07)
    I dunno, Ant-Man could be cool if they let him smack Janet Pym around, that really gave the character some depth. Plus Janet Pym is just a whiney bitch, all the man wanted was a sammich.... That, and Ultron needs to look cool, if they fuck with Ultron I'm gonna be pissed
  • Comment on Nightwing & Starfire (2008-05-29 10:53:25)
    i dunno man, he has a pretty impresive track record. plus even if he was a bummer, he could still fuck a brother up. he was trained by the god damn batman!
  • Comment on Too slow to run. Shouldn't have to. (2008-05-29 10:34:18)
    While I wish I could procure awesome-based weaponry in the U.K, I'm also happy that I don't live in a country where anyone is retarded enough to give away free handguns with every purchase of a car. And wasn't there a bank in like, Columbine or somewhere that gave guns away (ranging to rifles and shotguns I do believe) depending on how big an account you opened? Srlsy, youse guys iz fucked. But to be fair I think i saw that in a Michael Moore film so the source is a little shaky at best
  • Comment on Public Beer Drinking = Police Brutality (2008-05-29 06:35:09)
    all that and the fast that several officers had the shit kicked out of them because...well no reason really. fucking pissed-up jocks get angry becasue of a technical fault and the screen dies? Rangers played shit anyway, there's a reason they were in the UEFA cup and not the Champions League you know.....
  • Comment on Mario Kart is a Menace (2008-05-27 08:28:51)
    @Alec What are you, gay? SNES or GTFO. Old mario rocks balls
  • Comment on The Rapex female condom (2008-05-20 07:32:37)
    Yeah, to be fair I'd much rather get smacked in the junk than have needles in my dick. Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have no cock-based damage, but it's the lesser of two evils. I should also probably point out that I'm not, nor have I ever been/will be a rapist. So you know, hopefully no needle-wang for me
  • Comment on Final fantasy VII - Advent Children (2008-05-16 10:03:21)
    @Camiam i'll give you Tidus and Wakka, but Auron is all different flavours of bad-assery, both in deed and appearance
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