Mmmm, chicken.
AbNo (1740)
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Registered 2007-11-29 07:23:08 Comment Karma: 16 Featured Comments: 0 Member of : |
Recent Comments from AbNo
- Comment on Animal Rights (2008-09-21 17:20:31)
Mmmm, chicken. - Comment on pepper gel (2008-09-13 21:40:04)
What's really fun is, really drugged up people can be completely ignorant of the pain. - Comment on Military Police (2008-09-13 21:34:47)
Wait, why do cops in England need guns? I thought they'd banned pretty much all non-hunting guns over there almost twenty years ago? - Comment on Lego Mechs (2008-09-13 21:29:12)
That... is amazing. Where can I get the plans for those? - Comment on Dick Cheney (2008-09-11 20:46:08)
And Obama. What about Biden, McCain, and Palin? - Comment on Dick Cheney (2008-09-11 06:13:23)
@Sarc.... "What a sinister motherfucker." He's left-handed? What's wrong with that? I happen to be left handed. - Comment on Palin Action Figure (2008-09-11 06:08:52)
Oh, oh, not quite, Puul! You forgot to mention the Congressional approval rating: About 14%. "Since the start of the year, public approval of Congress has fallen from 23% to 14%, while approval of President George W. Bush has been more stable: 32% approved of the job he was doing in early January versus 31% today, with a range of just 28% to 34%." Oh, and those identifying themselves as Democrats that approval of this Nancy Pelosi Congress? 11%. NOW the discussion's over. :-D - Comment on Palin Action Figure (2008-09-11 00:20:03)
@Kilted: Ooh, nice find! It's CNN, but it'll do for this bit of SRS BSNS. Let's see... By education, two groups voted in favor of Kerry... Those with no high school education, and those with post-grad study. So basically, people that couldn't pass high school (though this might also include 18 year old seniors), and post-grad elitists voted for Kerry. High school/college grads, and those with "some college" chose The Letter over Frankenstein's Monster. Thanks, Kilt! - Comment on Palin Action Figure (2008-09-11 00:06:31)
You mean things like affirmative action (government enforced discrimination), the Fairness Doctrine, or what happens if you go to a website like Democratic Underground, and disagree with anyone there? Hell, I know a guy that sigged a "Banned at DU" gif with pride. :-D Or perhaps you meant things like tax cuts, small business incentives, ending slavery, and attempts to give people the tools they need to make their own way in life? Further more, it's not party lines, it's ideology lines nowadays. There are many with an R in front of their name that act just like those on the left with a D in front of their name. (See: RINO) Anyway, it's late, and some TF2 is in order. - Comment on Palin Action Figure (2008-09-10 22:52:19)
I have a college education, and I've been a satellite communications tech, an electronic security systems installer, a repairman for Beretta USA, and on the low end of recent jobs, a cable man. Everyone I know that votes Libertarian/Conservative has, or is in the process of getting their Bachelor's degree, both my parents graduated from nursing school in the top of their class, and I'm currently looking for a four-year college attend in another couple of semesters. Three of my friends from high school have law degrees, and one is working on her Master's. (Fucking lawyers...) Basically, unless I know (and/or am related to) EVERY GOD-DAMN EXCEPTION to your "fact", I'd say it's another one of those 78% of all statistics that are made up. Or you're just full of bull-shit. Your choice. :-D - Comment on Governor Sarah Palin's Speech (2008-09-10 22:37:53)
Well, Obama and Biden both voted for the bridge, so at least they provided their support for it, Storm. - Comment on Dick Cheney (2008-09-10 22:31:53)
Eh, accident, convenient mishap, whatever. - Comment on Palin Action Figure (2008-09-10 22:26:51)
Well Mike, if you don't believe me, look it up. Ah hell, I suppose I could give him the benefit of the doubt. I mean, if some some guy from Illinois with a D next to his name can manage to miss over 20 YEARS of racism from a "dear friend for many yearsâ€Â, then I suppose Byrd could have just as easily been naïve when it came to being a judge of a person's character. That IS the point you were trying to make, isn't it, Mike? That people can associate with extreme racists and not know it? Otherwise, it seems like a pretty flimsy excuse to me. :-/ - Comment on Death Wish (2008-09-10 22:13:04)
Like that's ever stopped it before.... "ZOMG! It'll be the OK Corral! Wild-West shootouts over parking spaces!" Give me a break. I suppose I should be glad this post has been quiet, though. *cough* - Comment on Palin Action Figure (2008-09-10 22:07:10)
Hey uh Tiki, isn't/wasn't Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) a member of the KKK?