Ukraine Under Full-Scale Attack
Added on February 24th, 2022 by marisoldaye69 | Report Post
Tags:Maps, Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin's Attempt At World War 3, WTF
Tags:Maps, Russia, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin's Attempt At World War 3, WTF
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I honestly don’t really care what happens here (except the likelihood of WW III breaking out — for truly stupid reasons), but the right wing talking points I’ve heard include: 1) Ukraine’s government is thoroughly corrupt, why are we potentially going to war because of them? 2) supposedly there was a promise made not to expand NATO eastward right up against Russia’s borders and 3) if China or Russia were in building bases or putting missiles aimed at us in neighboring Mexico, wouldn’t we in the U.S. be just as agitated as Russia is?
Could you be a bigger schill for Putin…..?
Yawn. I could care less about Putin or Russia, and in all my travels when I was younger I had absolutely zero interest in ever visiting Russia or the authoritarian/Trashcanistan-ish Eastern European countries. Instead of attacking the messenger for daring to bring a counter opinion (which is the standard empty-headed MCS-lefty approach), tell me what justifies the USA being the world’s police for this one?
p.s. I wonder what genuine communists/socialists in Congress feel about this going on (e.g. the Squad or Bernie)
I read a nice comment over on 9gag: if Putin’s biggest fear is having NATO on his borders, why is he annexing a country with NATO on its borders?