“You can’t beat the Axis if you get VD”
Well, you CAN beat the Axis, but if you’ve got the clap you’ll probably announce your presence from the entire Third Reich every time you take a piss.
Seems to me that if you’ve got VD, “beating the axis” should be your only sexual behavior until it’s cleared up.
I have this poster hanging above my bed. Its saved me from many embarassing trips to the doctors.
Which is PRECISELY the reason the US army is trying to recruit more prostitutes.
LoL…How would you like to be the poor shmuck that signed the picture waiver and got her face plastered all over the USA as the whore with VD? Bet that chickie never got laid again!
Wrap it and attack it. OR hit it and quit it (with a condom tho)
Well, you CAN beat the Axis, but if you’ve got the clap you’ll probably announce your presence from the entire Third Reich every time you take a piss.
Seems to me that if you’ve got VD, “beating the axis” should be your only sexual behavior until it’s cleared up.
I have this poster hanging above my bed. Its saved me from many embarassing trips to the doctors.
Which is PRECISELY the reason the US army is trying to recruit more prostitutes.
LoL…How would you like to be the poor shmuck that signed the picture waiver and got her face plastered all over the USA as the whore with VD? Bet that chickie never got laid again!
Wrap it and attack it. OR hit it and quit it (with a condom tho)