I had unfortunately seen the forgettable and not recommendable (even though it inexplicably went for two entire seasons) television show that I repeat, was not very good at all. So, when I got this TPB in a HumbleBundle, it went to the bottom of my ‘to-do’ list, which I just recently found when I started using a new book/comic book management application. The comic itself is pretty good, if pretty much exactly what I would expect from Grant Morrison circa 2012, with all the gratuitous violence and strawmen that normally comes from his work.
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I graciously disagree, sir. I thoroughly enjoyed the show and thought it was quite hilarious.
what was it about the show that appealed to you? I got out before they changed the VO actor for Happy, but the rest of the actors were just terrible imho. I gave up when they went to a farm house or something and everyone was acting stupid af.